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City of Santa Ana <br />Statement of Qua <br />Firm and Personnel Experience <br />cations for Environmental Consultants and Project Experience <br />butterfly, red -legged frog, arroyotoad, Least Bell's vireo, western <br />spadefoot, western pond turtle and burrowing owl. Mr. Crawford is well <br />seasoned in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and vegetation <br />mapping. In addition to his years of fieldwork, Mr. Crawford is <br />experienced in preparing biological sections for General Plans, Specific <br />Plans, and EIRs. He participated in third -party reviews for both cities and <br />counties. Along with preparing and reviewing written documents, Mr. <br />Crawford is a practiced technical expert for public hearings, including City <br />Council Meetings, Planning Commission meetings, and County Board of <br />Supervisors. Mr. Crawford currently assists in the management of the <br />natural resource team at MBA. <br />Michael H. Dice, RPA Mr. Dice, a certified archaeologist, has performed record searches, <br />Cultural Resources archaeological surveys, archaeological site testing (Phase 2), and data <br />collection (Phase 3) on private and public lands in the Southwestern <br />Availability: 30% United States and Southern California since 1986. During his career, he <br />has authored or co-authored more than 150 CEQA- and/or NEPA-level <br />documents, including several manuscripts for the National Park Service. <br />Mr. Dice is a member of the California Historical Society, a Registered <br />Professional Archaeologist (RPA), and a member of the National Trust for <br />Historic Preservation. <br />Galvin Preservation Galvin Preservation Associates Inc. (GPA) is a California Corporation <br />Associates, Inc. and a Certified woman -owned small business that specializes in historic <br />Historical Resources preservation planning issues, including —but not limited to —historic resource <br />inventories and surveys, architectural history and history, developing historic <br />contexts, conducting studies necessary for compliance with State and federal <br />cultural resource laws such as Section 106 of the National Historic <br />Preservation Act and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), <br />National Register nominations, mitigation on historical resources like Historic <br />American Building Survey (NABS)/Historic American Engineering Record <br />(HAER), assisting city planning departments with local landmarks designation, <br />Certified Local Government (CLG) Applications and historic preservation <br />ordinances, among other services. GPA is a well -respected fine because of its <br />consistent quality reports and surveys and the dedicated and motivated staff <br />who are highly trained in the fields of historic preservation, architectural history, <br />and history. The firm currently consists of five energetic and friendly <br />professionals who provide both quality and efficiency to our clients. GPA <br />principal, Andrea Galvin, has worked for a variety of State agencies as an <br />architectural historian, including the Office of Historic Preservation, the <br />Califomia Department of Transportation and the California Department of <br />Parks and Recreation. Galvin Preservation Associates Inc. was founded as <br />Galvin & Associates Historic Preservation Planning Company in 2003 and was <br />incorporated in October, 2005. <br />PRODUCTS <br />• Condition Assessment Reports of Historic Properties <br />• Section 106 Compliance Report <br />• Certified Local Government Application Processing <br />• CEQA Cultural Resource Reports <br />• Due Diligence Reports <br />• FCC Cell Site -Section 106 Compliance Reports <br />• Interpretation of Historic Building Code <br />• HABS/HAER Documentation <br />• General Research/Development of Historic Context Statements <br />• Historic Preservation Overlay Zones <br />• Historic Structures Reports <br />INNS 11 May 21, 2007 <br />