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Section 3. General Scope of Services Page 11 <br />analyses to support the preparation of the EIRs/EISs. The EIRs/EISs will include all of the <br />required components as outlined in the CEQA Guidelines and the agency -specific NEPA Guidelines <br />and will document conclusions with "substantial evidence" as appropriate. During the preparation <br />of the EIRs/EISs, Jones & Stokes will also consult with responsible agencies, review available <br />information, and prepare the appropriate analysis for the respective issues. <br />The EIRs/EISs will include a discussion of the existing conditions/affected environment, <br />environmental impacts, levels of significance of the impacts, and appropriate mitigation measures for <br />each environmental discipline, as needed. As requited, the documents will include a discussion of <br />direct, indirect, growth -inducing, and cumulative impacts. The cumulative impacts analysis will focus <br />on the potential for environmental impacts from this project along with other proposed and <br />reasonably foreseeable projects in the area. Additionally, each environmental document will evaluate <br />a reasonable range of alternatives. Jones & Stokes will work closely with the City and federal lead <br />agency to identify and screen a reasonable range of alternatives for analysis in the EIRs/EISs. For <br />NEPA projects, the alternatives analysis will normally take on a "co -equal" level of analysis for each <br />alternative, whereas for CEQA only projects, the alternative analysis may be conducted at a reduced <br />level of detail as allowed by CEQA. <br />We will submit administrative and screencheck draft documents to the City for review prior to <br />distribution of the documents for a formal public review period. Following the City's review and <br />approval of the screencheck draft documents, Jones & Stokes will incorporate the City's comments <br />and will revise the document accordingly. Jones & Stokes will prepare and distribute the public draft <br />EIR to agencies and interested parties as directed by the City. <br />Task 5. Prepare Final EIRslEISs <br />Jones & Stokes will work closely with City staff to prepare responses to comments for comment <br />letters received during the public review periods. These responses to comments, along with any <br />changes to the draft environmental document, will be submitted to the City first as a screencheck <br />final EIR/EIS. Jones & Stokes will prepare the final EIR/EIS according to City -approved Format, <br />which may include either a separate document that includes only the changed text or a reproduction <br />of the draft EIR/EIS with redline and strikeout text. Following the City's review and approval, we <br />will provide copies of the final EIR/EIS to the City, federal lead agency (as applicable), and <br />commenting agencies. <br />Task 6. Prepare Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Programs <br />Whenever mitigation measures are identified in either an FIR or MND, a Mitigation Monitoring and <br />Reporting Program (MMRP) is required. We will prepare an MMRP that will identify mitigation <br />measures, timing, responsibility for implementation, and monitoring methods. Jones & Stokes will <br />provide the MMRP in conjunction with the screencheck final EIR/EIS. We will work with City staff <br />to identify appropriate responsible parties, methods, and timing. The plan will include all accepted <br />mitigation measures and an indication of the following. <br />■ the project time period to which the measure applies (i.e., construction, operation, pre -/post - <br />occupancy), <br />cry ofsu„ro A. �� M5, zr, zoo? <br />.tQ2for 1:/'(/(X/NJAyI(iIM1� CO111ilr(I.SPI)'[RS 4®RJones&S4.okes P1274'07 <br />