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Section 3. General Scope of Services <br />12 <br />■ future review or reporting requirements involved in a measure, <br />■ responsible party for cost of mitigation, <br />■ responsible party for implementing and enforcing the mitigation, <br />■ requirements for monitoring by outside agencies, and <br />■ monitoring and reporting frequency. <br />Task 7. Prepare CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding <br />Considerations/ NEPA Record of Decision <br />Jones & Stokes will draft a findings of fact, and, if necessary, a statement of overriding considerations <br />for the decision makers prior to certification of the final EIR. For projects involving NEPA, we will <br />prepare a draft Record of Decision on behalf of the federal lead agency. <br />Task 8. Prepare Public and Media Notices <br />Jones & Stokes will prepare all public notices required for the CEQA/NEPA process. These may <br />include but would not be limited to: <br />■ Notice of Preparation (NOP). <br />■ Notice of Completion (NOC). <br />■ Notice of Availability (NOA). <br />■ Notice of Intent (NOI). <br />■ Notice of Determination (NOD). <br />■ Meeting notices. <br />■ Newspaper publications. <br />Task 9. Public Outreach/Scoping Meetings <br />Jones & Stokes will work with the City to facilitate any required public meetings or community <br />outreach. These may include scoping meetings to gather input on the environmental issues from the <br />local community and affected agencies or meeting with stakeholder groups. Should the City desire, <br />these may also include holding public hearings on the draft environmental documents. We will work <br />with City staff to develop an appropriate format for any public meetings, and Joncs & Stokes can <br />take responsibility for preparing agendas and presentation materials, sign -in sheets, comment cards, <br />meeting minutes, and facilitating public involvement <br />Task 10. Attend Meetings <br />Jones & Stokes will be available to attend any project meetings and assist City staff, at their direction, <br />through the public comment and certification processes, briefings to elected representatives, and <br />other means of support as may be appropriate. Jones & Stokes' project management team, key <br />technical personnel, and subconsuttants will be available to attend meetings with City staff as well as <br />public hearings before the planning commission and the city council. Jones & Stokes will prepare <br />graphics and audio-visual materials, as necessary, for these meetings. Our team will take, produce, <br />and keep minutes of all project meetings and furnish meeting minutes to the City. <br />ofSana A„a �(p J} Alg2v,tam <br />)for Timvmrnnentd Ce+i...Xq S,,,wes fii ones& Stokes P1274'07 <br />