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NS-2754 - Amending Chapter 5 of Santa Ana Municipal Code Relating to Barking Dogs, Care, and Maintenance of Animals, and Curbing of Dogs
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2007 (NS-2731 - NS-2760)
NS-2754 - Amending Chapter 5 of Santa Ana Municipal Code Relating to Barking Dogs, Care, and Maintenance of Animals, and Curbing of Dogs
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8/29/2007 2:43:07 PM
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(j) Quarantine means the isolation of any animal within a substantial enclosure <br />to avoid its contact with other animals or unauthorized persons. <br />(k) Running at large means free of restraint beyond the boundaries of the <br />premises of the owner or custodian. <br />(I) Vaccination means a protective inoculation against rabies with an anti-rabies <br />vaccine recognized and approved by the Orange County Health Department. <br />(m) Vicious animal means any animal which has bitten or broken the skin of, or in <br />any manner attacked or attempted to attack any person or any animal within <br />the City of Santa Ana. <br />(n) Wild animal means any animal which is either: <br />(1) Not a domesticated animal, or <br />(2) A vicious animal over which the owner has evidenced a failure <br />to maintain control. <br />(o) Exotic animal means nonhuman primates and prosimians (such as <br />chimpanzees, monkeys); felids, except domesticated cats; ursids (bears); <br />elephants; crocodilians (such as alligators and crocodiles); ungulates (such <br />as hippopotamus, rhinoceros, giraffes, zebra); and camels. These terms <br />shall apply whether the animal is bred in the wild or captivity. It is not the <br />intent of this definition to include domesticated species such as horses, cows, <br />sheep, or llamas among the animals listed above. <br />(p) Barking dog means a dog that barks, bays, cries, howls, or makes any noise <br />for an extended period of time to the disturbance of any person at any time of <br />day or night, regardless of whether the dog is physically situated in or upon <br />private property. Such extended period of time shall consist of incessant <br />barking for 30 minutes or more in any 24-hour period, or intermittent barking <br />for 60 minutes or more during any 24-hour period. A dog shall not be <br />deemed a "barking dog" for purposes of this Chapter if, at any time the dog is <br />barking, a person is trespassing or threatening to trespass upon private <br />property in or upon which the dog is situated, or when a dog is teased or <br />provoked. <br />(q) Responsible Person as defined in Section 1-21.1(a)(1)-(5) of this Code. <br />(r) Enforcement Officer as defined in Section 1-21.1 (b) of this Code. <br />Section 3. Section 5-50 is hereby amended to read as follows <br />Section 5-50. Limitation of number of dogs. <br />(a) No person or persons shall keep, harbor or maintain upon any one premises <br />within the city more than three (3) dogs unless the person or persons shall <br />comply with the commercial kennel requirements of this chapter. <br />(b) There shall be no exceptions to this section. <br />Section 4. Sections 5-74 and 5-75 are added to Chapter 5 of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code to read in full as follows: <br />Section 5-74. Public Nuisance-Barking Dog <br />The City Council of the City of Santa Ana hereby decrees that maintaining, <br />keeping, and/or permitting a barking dog on any premises in the City of Santa <br />Ordinance No. NS-2754 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />
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