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NS-2754 - Amending Chapter 5 of Santa Ana Municipal Code Relating to Barking Dogs, Care, and Maintenance of Animals, and Curbing of Dogs
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2007 (NS-2731 - NS-2760)
NS-2754 - Amending Chapter 5 of Santa Ana Municipal Code Relating to Barking Dogs, Care, and Maintenance of Animals, and Curbing of Dogs
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8/29/2007 2:43:07 PM
City Clerk
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Ana constitutes a public nuisance. Every day the barking dog violation exists <br />shall be regarded as a new and separate offense. <br />Section 5-75. Enforcement-Barking Dog <br />(a) Any enforcement officer has the authority to issue an administrative <br />citation pursuant to the procedures set forth in sections 1-21.1-21.9 of this <br />Code to any responsible person for a barking dog violation that the <br />Enforcement Officer did not see or hear based upon a complaint, signed <br />under penalty of perjury, lodged by a member of the community who has <br />been disturbed by the barking dog. All barking dog complaints shall be <br />lodged with the Santa Ana Police Department. <br />(b) Prior to issuing the administrative citation to the responsible person, the <br />enforcement officer shall send a warning notice via first class mail or shall <br />personally serve upon the responsible person a warning notice giving the <br />responsible person ten (10) days from the date of mailing or date of <br />personal service in which to abate the public nuisance caused by the <br />barking dog. <br />(c) The administrative citation shall contain the information set forth in section <br />1-21.5 of this Code. <br />(d) The responsible person shall have the right to appeal the administrative <br />citation as set forth in Section 1-21.8 of this Code. <br />(e) The procedures established in this section may be in addition to criminal, <br />civil or any other legal remedy established by law which may be pursued <br />to address violations of the municipal code. <br />Section 5. Section 5-76 is added to Chapter 5 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code to <br />read in full as follows: <br />Section 5-76. Care and maintenance of dogs. <br />(a) Shelter Requirements. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, house, <br />or maintain any dog outdoors on any premises within the City of Santa <br />Ana unless the dog has access at all times to an enclosed building or a <br />shelter which meets all of the following requirements: <br />(1) It is weatherproof meaning that it keeps the dog dry when it rains <br />and provides sufficient protection from the sun so that the dog will <br />not overheat; <br />(2) It has a floor that is level and dry; <br />(3) It is composed of material that will not result in injury to the dog; <br />(4) It is maintained in a condition that will not result in injury to the dog; <br />(5) It contains bedding material which is kept clean and dry; <br />(6) It allows the dog easy access in and out; <br />(7) It is cleaned and maintained in a manner designed to insure <br />sanitary conditions, including but not limited to, removal of <br />excrement, removal of urine, and treatment of area for flies, fleas, <br />ticks, and parasites as necessary. <br />Ordinance No. NS-2754 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />
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