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<br />5105 <br /> <br />ar.ount for ra::eipt, obIigaion a1d experdtlJ"e ci CDBG FUNDS purQ.lCI1t to ~ic3Jle OMB <br />OrwCl" A-110 reqLiranents. <br />H. Audit Reoort REnJirsl18lts. SUBREClPlENT vees thct if SUBREClPlENT <br />raBves Three HLI1dred Thousa1d Dolin ($300,000.00) or more in federa fLl'lds, <br />SUBRECIPlENT SlaII haye a1 ana adt c:onciJcted by a CEltifiaj pli)Iic a::cxxrtant in <br />ax:orda1re with the sta1dCI"ds as set forth a1d pub/ ished by the United Staes Offi ce of MCI1CgST1EI'lt <br />a1d Budget. SUBREClAENT shal provide CITY with a copy c.t sad aJdit by OctobEr 1 of the <br />ys foil oNi ng the progran ys in which this Agrea I ia1l is exEnltaj. <br />I. REmrd KeecinalReoortina. SUBRECIA ENT Slal keep crd maintcin compIeteCl'ld <br />~e re;ords crd reports to assist CITY in nming crd maintcining its re;ord keeping <br />responsi bi I ities lJ1der the CDBG REGS, i nd ld ng the follONi ng: <br />(1) Records <br />a Documentcti on 91i denci ng progran income requi reme1ts in <br />conformity with 24 CFR 570.504(b((2)(i), (ii) crd 24 CFR 570.503(b)(3) a1d 24 <br />CFR 570.208(a)(2)(B) of the income 19Ia of pEIDlS crdJor fanilies paiidpcting <br />in or benefiting by the SUBRECIPI ENT progran. <br />b. Docurnentction of the m.mber of pEIDlS CI"ldIor fcmilies paiidpcting <br />in or benefiting by the SUBRECI PI ENT progran. <br />c. Household informction SlaII include number of PEBX1S, identificciion <br />of heetf of household, rCD:Iethnidty, a1d incomevEI"ificciion. <br />d. Documentetion of al COBG FUNOSreceivaj from CITY. <br />e. Oocumentetion of expensesasidentifiaj in the Budget A-oposa, <br />i ncl udi ng evidence of i ncurri ng the ecperlSe, i nvoi css for goods or servi ces, copi es <br />of a1y a1d a I contra:ts or dooJmenteti on pertci ni ng to costs for 9.JbcontrEdors, <br />pi us a I other i nvoicss for which COBG FUNDS wEl"e expended, crd a1y payments <br />therefor. <br /> <br />f. Any such other raaaj records as CITY shal r~y requi re or as <br />requi raj to be mai ntci na:J pursucrrt to the CDBG REGS. <br /> <br />(2) Reoorts <br /> <br />(i) Payment Request. ConaJrrently with the9.Jbmitta of each <br />quaierly report, on or bEtorethe 15th day of October, Ja'luay, <br />April cn:I..lJIy. SUBREClAENT SlaII submit both: a1 origina <br />i nvoi ce a1d true copi es of i nvoi ces, raB pts, c:greel IIEI1ts, copi es <br />of a1y cncI a I contrEds or documentcti on pertci ni ng to costs for <br />9.Jbcontra:::tors or other documenteti on 9.Jpporti ng a1d <br />evidenci ng how the COBG FUNDS have been ecpended duri ng <br />the ~pI i cab! e quaier. <br /> <br />4 <br />