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<br />5105 <br /> <br />(ii) QUCl"terly Adivity Report: SUBREClPlENT ~reesto keep lTlOntHy <br />raxrds of a I ethnic m rai a staiSics of persJI1S crd fani I ies ba1efitaj by <br />SUBRECI A ENT in the paforOlcnre of itsobligctions LI'lder thisAgea rlEl'lt. <br />i nd uci ng' but not limtaj to, the number of ICMI m moderae inccme pa DlS <br />a1d housenoIds assists:f in amrda1re with fa:Jera income Ii mi ts, the number <br />of female hea'Jsof houset1OIdsassistaj. new progrCl"n inf()fTl'8ion crd yeer-to- <br />dcte progrcm staistics on ecpa1ditures, caseloaj crd aiivities. <br /> <br />J. Access to Records. CITY m the United Slcte GovernmEJ'lt CI1dIor their representctives <br />shal hatea:cessfor purposes of monitoring, aJditing, a1d ecanining SUBRECIAENT'sa::tivities <br />CI'ld pafOlTTlS'lCe, to books, docums1ts a1d papers. crd the right to eca'Tli ne records of <br />SUBRECI AENTs subcontra::tors, bookkeepers CI'ld a:counta1ts, EI'llJIoyees CIld ps1icipcnts in <br />regad to said progrCl"n. CITY CIld the United States Governll1El1t CI1dIor their representctives shal <br />alS) dlEduleon-sitemonitoring ct their dis::retion. Monitoring a::tivities may as) include, but Cl"e <br />not limited to, questioning fIll)IoyeesCl'ld ps1icipcntsin sad progrCl"n CI'ld Erltering cny prEmises or <br />cny site in which cny of the services or a::tivitiesfunded herElJnder isconclucted or in which cny of <br />the records of SUBRECIA ENT a-ekept. Nothing herein shal be construed to require a::cess to cny <br />privileged or confidential inforrraion asset forth in feds"a or stctelav. <br /> <br />K. Loaiion of Rs:orc8'REqjraj LEnath of RECOrd KElEIing. All. a:counting records, <br />reports, a1d evidence pertaning to al costs, ecpenses a1d the CDBG FUNDS of <br />SUBRECIPlENT CI'ld al documents ractaj to this Agreallent sheil be maintaned CI'ld kept <br />avalSJIect SUBRECIPlENTESoffireor p1a::eof business for theduraion of the Agreenlent end <br />thereetter for five (5) yeers after completion of a1 aJdit in conformity with the COBG REGScs. <br />Records whim racte to (a) complants, dams. aiministraive proceedings or Iitigction Cl"ising <br />out of the performa1Ce of this Agrea rlel1t, or (b) costs end ecpenses of this Agrament to whim <br />CITY or 8nf other govE!l"M1Ellta CV!I'lCY takes ecception, shall be retaned beyond the five (5) <br />yeers unti I complete rE9)l uti on or di spaS tion of such ~ S, Ii ti gcti on dams. or excepti ons. In <br />the 91ent SUBRECI PI ENT does not mcke the cOOve-reta-EIlca:t doaments aval ctlIe withi n the dty <br />of Sa1ta Ana, CSifornia, SUBREClPlENT vees to pay al l1a';E)soZlY a1d rEHDBlIe expenses <br />iflCUTaj by CITY in conctJcting ~ a.ldit a the loation where said rs::ords crd books of amunt <br />Cl"e mai ntai ned. <br /> <br />L. ComoliCl1Cl:!with Lav/A-oaran lnoome. SUBREClPlENT cd<nowIa:Jgesthct the funds <br />being provided by CITY for sad progran Cl"e raBvaj by CITY pursucnt to the ACT as anencJed <br /><rd thct expenditures of these flJ'lds shal be in axorda1ce with the ACT crd al pa1i1'la'lt <br />regu cti ons issued by cgEnCies of the fa:Jera govElTYTl91t, i nd udirg, but not Ii mitaj to, a I <br />regUaioos fOlllCf a Title 24 of the Code of Fa:Jera Reguaions. A-ogran inoome ra::eivaj by <br />SUBREClPlENT shal be retl.l1'1Ed to CITY lJiess otherwise provided for in this Agrealla1l:. <br />SUBREClPlENT ~rees to CXlf'llJIy fully with al fa:Jera, stae crd loea laNS crd cxut orders <br />~ i atlIe to its operai 00 whether or net reterraj to in ttis Agrea r Blt. <br /> <br />M. Sta1dina. SUBREClPlENT Slal be in good sta'dng, without SJSpEnSion by the <br />Gaifornia Suetay of Stae, Framse Tax Bead crd Int~ R91erue Servire. ArPJ d1a1ge in <br />the c:orporcte stciusor SJSpension of SUBREClAENT shal berElJOrted il1Vl'ledictay to CITY. <br /> <br />5 <br />