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<br />5105 <br /> <br />III. NONDI &:RI M I NA TI ON <br /> <br />SUBREOAENT ~rees thci no person on the grOll'ld of r~ cge, 001 or, nciional origin, <br />religioo or sex will be exduda:J from paiidpciion in, be da1ied the berletits of. or be subjEded to <br />dis:rimnciioo under fn'/ progran or aiivity flJlded in whole or in pat with COBG funds <br /> <br />IV. CONFLICT OF INTEREsr <br /> <br />AJrsualt to the conflid of interest rEquirements set forth in 24 CFR 576.57 crd OMB <br />Orwcrs 1-102 crd A-110, SUBRECIPI ENT vees thct no offiC8", EfT1JIoyee, cv:rt or assignee of <br />OTY t&lil'YJ direa or indirea control of a1Y CDBG l'TlOr1es grcrrtaj to the CITY, indusive of the <br />s..qe:t CDBG FUNDS, shal serve C6 a1 offiC8" of SUBREClPlENT. FLrther, a1Y ca1fIict or <br />potEntia oonfIid of interest of fn'/ office" c:A SJBRECIPlENT stBl be fully d~osed in writing <br />prior to the EllCEnJtiOO of this Ageelller1t a1d sad writing stBl be ctta:t'8:J crd deemed fully <br />inoorporciEd C6 a pat herEd. Notice shal be Slri by SUBREClPlENT to CITY regcrding a1Y <br />d1a'-ges or modifi ccti oos to.its boa'd of di reaors crd I ist of offiCS'S. <br /> <br />V. SPECIAL CERTIFICATION FOR RELlGIOUSENTITIES <br /> <br />If SUBRECI PI ENT is a religious entity, SUBRECI A ENT hereby cgrees thct in oonnEdion <br />with the provision c:A the services SUBRECI PI ENT shal provide with CDBG fLrlds, in axorda1ce <br />with 24 CFR 570.2OO(j): <br /> <br />A. SUBREClAENT shal not di&:rimincte ~nst a1Y employee or ~iCa1t for <br />snpIoyl'T1Ef1t on the bcEis of raigion CI'ld shal not limit empIoylTlEri or give preterEll'lce in <br />enpIoyment to persJnS on the tais of raigion. <br /> <br />B. SUBRECIA ENT shal not di&:rimincie~nst fn'/ person ~ying for theservicss <br />SJBREClPlENT vees to provide l.Ilder the terms of tlisAgreElllEri on the bcEisof religion crd <br />stal not limit SJCh services or give preerEll'lce to ~iccris for SJCh services on the tais of <br />raigion. <br /> <br />C. SUBREClAENT shal NOT provide religious instrudion or oounseIing, CXlnduct <br />fnJ raigious worship or serviCES, or 81Q9 in a1Y raigious proselytizing, or ecert a1Y raigious <br />i nfhSlce in the provi sial of the servicss in sad progran. The paties cgree thct thi s covS1a1t is <br />i nte1ded to a1d sha I be CXlI'lStrued for the Ii mitaj purpose c:A C&Ui ng oompI icn::e with respect to the <br />use of CITY funds by SUBREClAENT with ~ic3Jle constitutional lirritaioos respecting the <br />estGtlli9'vnent of religion as set forth in the estctJlistvnent daJSe under the First AmEndment of the <br />Unitaj Stctes Constitution a1d Artide I, SEnion 4 of the CSifomia Constitution. crd is not in fn'/ <br />rT1CIlI1er i ntenda:t to restrid other a:tivities of SU BRECI A ENT. <br /> <br />O. Where the servicss to be provided lIrder scid progran Cl"e rEJldered on propa1y <br />OYtfned by theprimaily raigiousentity SUBRECIPlENT, CDBG funcls~ as) beusej for minor <br />rE!(:8rs to such property which Cl"e dirEdly raciEd to the oost of ra1dering the servicss lIrder sad <br /> <br />9 <br />