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<br />5105 <br /> <br />3. The CITY a1d the United Stete Depa1ment of Housing Cfld Urbcn <br />D9Ia opment wi II be notifi a:J wi thi n ten days Etter ra::eivi ng noti ce of any such vi 01 ai on. <br /> <br />4. Wi thi n 30 days of receivi ng such noti ce, ~opri ete pe-sonna cdi on wi II be <br />ta<en egci nst such enpl oyes, up to a1d i ncI udi ng termi netl on. <br /> <br />Eat! such snpIoyee shall be requira:l to patidpae gjsfcaaily in a drug cbJse <br />assistalce or rsmlitction progran ~oved for 9JCh plXpOSE!S by a fa:Jera, stcie or loea heath, <br />IaN enfora:m81t, or other ~opricte~. <br /> <br />II. CITY'SOBLlGATIONS <br />A. Payment of FlI'lds. Upon exEnltion of this Agree" lent by SUBRECI A ENT, CITY shall <br />pay to SUBRECI PI ENT fran CDBG flJ"lds, when, if crd to the extent ra::eiva:J fran HUD, for <br />CITY's 2OCXHl7 CDBG progran YfB anartsexpa'lda:J by SUBREClPlENT in caryirlJ out sad <br />progan for fis::a YfB 2006-07 pursucrrt to this Agreen IEri up to a maxi nun W'9Jcte payment <br />of Ten Thouscrld Doll CI"S ($ 1 0,000) in i nsta I ments detEl'ni ned by CI TY. Patments sha I be maje <br />to SUBRECIPlENT tlTough thesubrrission c:I invoices on aqua1:ErIy bcEis(Octobs', Ja1ua'y, April <br />crd .uy) in a form prEB:ribed by CITY, detciling 9JCh EiKpense& CITY shall pay such invoicss <br />withi n tti rty (30) days ctter ra::ei pt therEDf provi da:J CITY is gjsfia:J thct such expenses have been <br />ina.rrEd a1d doa.mented within the&:opecrd provisioosof thisAQles"lent crd thct <br />SU BRECI A ENT is in compI i CI"lce with the terms crd conditi ons of this Agree" 181. <br />B. Audit of Account. CITY S1aII includecn aJdit of theaxount maintcined by <br />SUBRECIPlENT in ClTY'sa1nua aJdit of al CDBG FUNOSin ax:orcla1cewith Title 24 of <br />the Code of Fa:Jera Regul eti ons Cfld other cppI i c3lIe fEdera I fINS cn:J regul eti ons. <br />C. Common Rule: R.Irsucnt to CFR 85.4O(a) , the CITY rnalGgElS the day-to-day <br />operaionsof EB:t1 g-crrt a1d SLbgrcrrt SJppOrta:J aiivities. CITY stctf hcsdetcila:J knoNla:Jgeof the <br />grcrrt progran rEqUi reme Its crd monitors grn crd 9Jbgrcrrt ~a:J cdivities to CEiS.I'e <br />compIiCl"lcewith Fa:Jera requiranents. SJch monitorirlJ coverseedl progran, fLl1dion crd cdivity <br />a1d palOl1l'lClla!goSs Cl"e r9lieNa:J periodicaly. <br />D. Env; ronmenta R9Ii eN: In cr::cordCl1Ce wi th 24 CFR 58, the CI TV is responsi bI e for <br />underta<i ng envi ronmental r9li eN cn:J mai ntci ni ng envi roomenta r9lieN reoords for each <br />cppI i cciJI e proj ect. <br />E. Performcnce M onitori no: CI TY S1aII moni tor the performcnce of the <br />SU BRECI PI ENT egci nst goal s a1d performcnce sta1dCl"ds requi ra:J herei n. &bstcndcrd <br />perforlT1Cl'lce as determi ned by the CI TY wi II constitute non-compI i CI1Ce with thi s Agreement. If <br />a::tion to correct such substcndcrd performcnce is not ta<en by the SUBRECI PI ENT within a <br />rElBSOf1Ci)J e peri oct of ti me Etter bel ng noti fia:J by the CI TY, contrai suspensi on or termi nai on <br />proca:tures wi II be i ni ti aa:J. <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />