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<br />City of Santa Ana <br />Performance Outcome Tracking <br />Please find the activity most c10sety associated to the service that will be provided and place an "X" next to it then answer <br />h' <br /> <br />the question below. Please note the trackina that is involved with t IS activity. <br />Place an <br />"X" next to <br />one Activity/ <br />Activity Program Outcome Tracking Goal HUD Outcome Tracking HUD Goal <br /> Homelessness Track assisted individuals 50% of assisted individuals -Number of households that RECEIVED Accessibility for the <br /> Prevention who retained their housing and households will retain emergency financial assistance to purpose of creating <br /> or utilities for at least 6 their housing or utilities for prevent homelessness Suitable Living <br /> months after assistance at least 6 months after -Number of households that RECEIVED Environments <br /> was provided. assistance is provided. emergency legal assistance to prevent <br /> homelessness <br /> Emergency Track individuals who 50% of Number of homeless persons given Accessibility for the <br /> Shelter received support services individuals/households that overnight shelter purpose of creating <br />X that were linked to one or are provided with Suitable Living <br /> more additional support emergency shelter will OR Environments <br /> service and/or appropriate transition to interim housing <br /> housing. (i.e.. transitional housing). Number of beds created in overnight <br /> shelter or other emergency housing <br /> Transitional Track homeless individuals 5% of homeless individuals Number of persons assisted: Accessibility for the <br /> Housing who participated in participating in transitional -with new access to a service purpose of creating <br /> transitional housing housing program will be -with improved access to a service Suitable Living <br /> program that were placed in placed in permanent -where activity was used to meet a quality Environments <br /> permanent housing. housing. standard or measurably improved quality, <br /> report the number that no longer only <br /> have access to substandard service <br /> Supportive Track individuals who 50% of individuals/families Number of persons assisted: Accessibility for the <br /> Services for received support services receiving support services -with new access to a service purpose of creating <br /> ESG that were linked to one or will be linked to one or -with improved access to a service Suitable Living <br /> more additional support more additional support -where activity was used to meet a quality Environments <br /> service and/or appropriate service and/or appropriate standard or measurably improved quality, <br /> housing. housing. report the number that no longer only <br /> have access to substandard service <br /> <br />Describe how you will gather the tracking information, noted above, for that activity. <br />Laura's House measures the overall success of the program by using both quantitative and qualitative evaluation tools. <br /> <br />Quantitative measurements include counting the number of women and children entering the shelter program, <br />maintaining a census log which includes all client demographic information and their outcome status upon departure <br />from the shelter program. <br /> <br />The qualitative evaluation process and tools are as follows: 1) client satisfaction outcomes are measured by each client <br />completing an exit evaluation survey that addresses all components of the program including accomodations, staff & <br />volunteers, children's programs, counseling, groups, legal advocacy and case management. 2) program participants are <br />tracked throughout their stay in the program and given pre/post testing via our Client Strenghts Assessment tool to <br />evaluate increases in knowledge and/or changes in attitude and behavior. <br /> <br />The purpose of the outcome evaluations is to provide information on the effectiveness of the program and staff and to <br />determine if we are successful in reaching our program goals. The results of the program evaluations provide client <br />input in the development of new programs and/or curriculum revision on existing programs. <br /> <br />Exhibit A-1 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />