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<br />" <br /> <br />,'~ . <br /> <br />''''l... <br /> <br />'1':'<. . <br /> <br />. "ii:' . .' <br /> <br />SEc:r.JON IV -'COMMERCIAL GENERAL '..:' . b~ To. sue us on this, Coverage.. Part unless all of.' <br />l;~'.-::I!f CONDln.ONS .E~,;" .". ,~:.., ~ /.'... its terms have bee~.~~Iif;~mplied'With. .... . <br />1..~nknlptcy ~.:'. ' . . '. .,..... A. person or org~ni~ation, may. sue us to .recover:, .' <br />".S'qnkruptcy or insolvency of.'the.lnsured or of the ".: on an agreed settlerT)er:at.'or. on a final judgment ..', <br />, ',nsumcrs estate will not 'relieve tiS of our obllga- .... against an fnsured obtarned after an actual trial;:- <br />.', tiOM under this Coverage: t:?ar.t. '. . " but we will not be liabl~ for damages that ,BIe not <br />.' . . :. . " . . payable under the terms' of this Coverage.Part or <br />2.:.;.D~~eSlln. T"~ EVent:Of ~~~nce; Offense, .' ... . . that are in excess ot ~'e applicable limit of Insur.:.. <br />. ,..C?~lm Or-SUit .,>' , ," :8.nce. An agreed setttement means a se~lemeni' <br />:.~' You must It 1hat:w~ a~e notified as'soon . :'.... and. release' of liabilay,"signed' by uS, the (lnsu~' . <br />.' :X~. . .:~s praotioab~ 01 a~. ~~~~nce~ or an '?ffense. .' i.',..;..:, ':an~:the claif!1ant Of ttJ?;::C:laim~t's legal represen:,. ,:: i.,' <br />:'. '. WhICh may result. In a:.claim.. To the extent .... ....~.ta1iVe. ".,'. <br />. :::;" ' " f\Jossible, notice should'inclooe= '. " ,:::~'~":other Insumnee -;"'.f:-...:.'-' '. ... <br />. /(.::':::'it.}. HoW, when' and ;,Vn~~;:the.'.occurre~" or .::-:.f'~:"{:lt"'other valid 'and cOlT~ibl~.citisurance ~ available": :i': <br />.;":'~' .' offensetookpface;":':":"- , .' to the insured for a loSs we cover under Cover-' .' <br />(2) The 'names arid addresses of any injured '. ages A or B of this Coverage Part, our obngations <br />persons ami witness~i and are limited as follows:, . <br />.' .' =(3) The nature and' location of any injury or s. Primary Insurance <br />.. .... . '.': ~rnage'arislng . out ,of. the ~occurrence" or This insurance is. primary except when b. be- <br />offense. . . . low applies. If this insuranoe is primary" our' <br />b. If a OI~jm is made or .suif.' Is brought against obligations are not a~ected unless any of the <br />;. you must~ , other. insurance is alsO primary. Then. we will <br />(1} Jm. .meet. iately record the specifics of the share with aU that other. insurance by the <br />method described in Q. below. <br />claim or .suit" and the date received; and <br />(2) Notify us as soon as practicable. b. Excess Insurance <br />You must see to it that we receive written no- This insurance is excess over: <br />tice'of the claim or "suit" as soon as practica- (1) Any of the other insurance, whether pri- <br />ble. mary, excess. contingent or .on an~ other <br />c. You and any other involved insured must basis: <br />(I) Immedi~tely send us copies of any de- (a) That is Fire. Extended Coverage, <br />. mands; notices, summonses or legal pa- Builder's Risk, Installation Risk o{ simi- <br />pers received In conn-ection with the claim lar coverage for ~your work.; . > <br />or .suit.~ (b) That it Fire insurance for premises <br />(2) Authorize us to obtain records and other rented to. you or temporarily occupied by <br />information; you )\lith permi$$ion of the owner; <br />(3) Cooperate with us in the. investigation or (e) That is insurance purchased by you ~o <br />settlement of the claim or defense against cover your Iiabnily as a tenant for <br />the "suit"; and . "property d~agen to pramises rented <br />(4) Assist us. upon ,0. ur request, in the eny to you or temporarily occupied by YOIl' <br />with permission of the owner; or <br />forcement of any right against any person <br />or organization which may be liable to the ' " (d) If the loss arises out of the maintenance <br />Insured because of injury or damage to ..... or use of aircraft, lIautos. or watercraft <br />which this insurance may also apply. to the extent not sUbject to Exclusion g. <br />of Section I . Coverage A - Bodily In- <br />d. No insured' will, except at that insured's own jury And Property Damage LiabnitY. <br />cos~. voluntarily make a payment. assume any <br />obligation. or incur any expense, other than for (2) ~ny other primary Insurance available to <br />first ald. without I;)ur consent . you cover:ing liability for damages arising <br />3. I -aJ Action Against Us '. out of the premj~ or operations for which.. <br />~ you have been added as an additional in-- <br />No person or organization has a right under this $ured Qyattachmeot of an endorsement. <br />f?overage Part: . '. ~ <br />. a. To join us as a party or otherwise bring us into <br />a "suit:" asking for damages from an insured; or <br /> <br />APPROVED AS"TO FORM <br /> <br />CO 00010798 <br /> <br />-- L~t.~/i:< <br />.' AS.;JSlunt City Attorney <br />Copyright, Insurance Services Office. ,In~" 1997 .. " Page 9 of 13 <br />