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<br />APPROVED AS TO FORM <br />M.fJ..J 2- <br />, _ IHI . <br />AS~ ~~krr Se~ces Office, Inc., 1997 <br /> <br />J. <br /> <br />::',': <br /> <br />.... . ." ~'.' . <br />When this insurance is exoess.'wewiil' have:ilo ' <br />duty under- eov,erages./t or' B to. defe~d:thQ.'in... <br />sure9 against;'any, "'surt.. if any other ira~rer. has . <br />a duty to defend the insured. agaInst that.~suit'~. <br />If no other.- insur.9r defends, we- will. undertake <br />to do so, bUt We wiD be entitled to the. iiisured's' <br />rights.against'aII those other insurers..' , ;.; , . . <br /> <br />\II(h~n., tnis, inSura~ is excess over ~ther in- <br />surance. YJei'\A!lll pay' only' our shar:e,:of the <br />. . 8n:toL!flt of .th~. .Ioss~ If any,' that ex~& lhe-, <br />,~~. of: _ .~:~. ::~:':'. ,,',i. . >.:_ ' ..:~~~~,;~:.::i.. ~.;. ,:. <br />. ti)- Th'~ ,toti!iti ~o~nt that aU" such ou,ei:."lhSur':' <br />. .. ~. 'for the loss in th8!'absenC$ . <br />'ofthi$lnsurance;and. ,,:~:,:,,:<":. <br />. .. ':':,. . ..;, . '. . ,1:.., . . <br />.(2) .The tOtal' 'o,f all deductibre and se'lf-insureci <br />, amounts urider all th~ other insurance. <br />. VYe'~!1I sl1a~. ~ ~ernai~jng, : loss, it 'any; vvith' <br />any 'other' instlrance .that Is 'not deSCribed in this <br />Excess' . Insurance prov.ision 'and was n9t. <br />." ',bOUght .~Iy to apply in excess o~ the <br />Umits of Insurance shown in the Declarations <br />:~f tI?is ,(?~erage. Part. . " . . ' <br />c. Method Of ~aring'. " . '. . <br />, If 'aK';''Of the Other Insi.iran~ .permits contnbu- <br />'. \i<?":. by equ~ ~I:laras, we'wUl follow this method <br />also; 'Under 1hls approach each insurer con- <br />tribUtes equal amounts untD it has paid its ap- <br />plicable limit of insurance or. none of the loss <br />remains, whichever comes first. <br />If. any' of the .other insurance does not permit <br />col'lvibtltion 'by. equal shares. we will COntribute <br />. by.. limits., . Under- this 'method, each insurer's <br />share' is ba$~ on the ratio of its applicable <br />limit of insurance to the total applicable limits <br />of insurance 01 all insurers. . <br />5. Premium Audit <br />a. We will compute all premiums for this' Cover- <br />age Part in 8ccordance with our rules and <br />rates. <br />b. Premium. shown in this Coverage Part as ad-- <br />vance premium Is a deposit premium only. At <br />~e close of each audit period we. will compute ... <br />the earned premium for that period.' Audit <br />,premiums are due and payable on notice to <br />the first Named Insured. If the sum of the ad- <br />vance aJ'\d audit paid for the policy <br />period is greater than the earned premium, w~ <br />will return the excess to the first Named, .In- <br />sured. <br /> <br />: -; ~ <br />~'.: I~ .... ~ <br /> <br />'i./:. . <br /> <br />... .. <br />....... <br />. ",~. .' <br /> <br />:" '. <br /> <br />~:!:.:>.:: .;' <br /> <br />.:..:.:':~' :,'; . <br /> <br />..... <br />~:..:V:"!;.: . <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />t. <br /> <br />c. The first Named Insured mus~ keep records of <br />the infonnation we need for premium. compu- <br />tation, and send us copies at such times as we <br />may request . <br /> <br />Page 10 of 13 <br /> <br />6. RepreS~'~ti~ns- " :. . <br />. .... .' . ..-. <br />BY accepIihii:ihis policy.'; you agree:. .,,>::."~ ;". <br />~ The st'at~ents In' the Qecla.ratia~i":are accu~ <br />rate aricr.'c.omplele; I:: :::.... ' <br />... .' . ." .,.:....-.;Jo <br />b. Those' 'statements are based upon r~ipresenta- <br />tions. y'~:ma~ to us; a~ .71-\" . ~ ' <br />C;. We haVe. i$sued this policY in r.alitdJcie upon <br />your rePresentatiOns- . . "~~~"/"; <br />;;:.~ ...... I' . ...~~.'; '..~.. . <br />7. Separaticu-l,Otlnsureds '. ;.~, .,..... .' d" <br />. . J.....w.....,,'. ,Jo'. .... ".: . . ','l;". ::f.i'::: . <br />ExCept '\Vitti..,~~ to tJie. limits: Ofi'":Insurance. ' <br />and any rigtrts or duties specifically,., ~Qned in <br />this Co~~Ijl~~H~~ ~: the ~~t N~~.~tl'~~e9; this <br />Insuran~;~p~es: .: ..;"~:';<;' ':, ' <br />a. As rf each Named Insured were the only <br />Nari:ted Insui-ed; and '., . <br />b. Separately to each' insured ag~ whom <br />claim is made or "suit. Is brought <br />8. ' Transfer 'of 'F:Ughts Of R~~iy'Ag~in~ <br />Others:ro Us ,.' . <br />, ifttie insured has rightsollU, recover aU'or":part Of <br />any payment we have made under this Coverage <br />. Part, those rights are tranSferred to us.' The in~'" <br />sure(f must do nothing after loss to jmpair them. <br />At our request. the insured will bring .suit" or <br />transf~r those rights to us and help us enforce' <br />tMm. . <br />9. 'W.hen We Do Not Renew " <br />It we decide not to renew this Coverage Part. we <br />will mail or deliver to the first Named Insured <br />. sl:1own . in the Declarations written notice', of the' . <br />. . t . <br />nonrenewal n~ less than 30 days bef~ the expi- <br />ration date. ~ <br /> <br />If notice is mailed, proof of mailing w.iII be suffi- <br />cient proof of notice. <br /> <br />SECTION V - DEFINITIONS <br /> <br />1. · AdVertiSement. means a notice that is broadcast <br />or pubUshed to the general publi~ or specific mar- <br />k,et segments about.your goods, products 'or serv- <br />ices for the- purpose of a~ractil1Q customers or <br />. suPPoE!.e"!3. <br /> <br />2. · Auto. means a land motor vehicle, trailer or <br />semitrailer designed for travel on public roads. in- <br />cluding any attached machinery or eqUipment. BUt <br />-auto. does. not include .mobile equipment". <br /> <br />3. -Bodily injuryN means bodiJy injury, sickness- or <br />disease sustained by a person. including death re- <br />sulting from any of these at any time. <br /> <br />4. "Covera~e territory- means: . <br /> <br />a. The United States of America (inclumng Its <br />territories and possessions), Puerto' RiCo and <br />Canada; <br /> <br />CG 00 01 07 98 <br />