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<br />Experience with both WIA and JTP A programs have demonstrated that the recruitment and enrollment <br />process is almost always more difficult and time consuming than originally anticipated. It is <br />anticipated that the assistance from the W /O/RiK Center's Service Navigation staff will serve to <br />expedite the recruitment and enrollment process for Fall, 2007. Recruitment is directly tied to the <br />vocational training and basic skills elements as potential participants need direction early in their first <br />semester as a senior to take appropriate action in order to avail themselves of all of the offerings in the <br />Success Bound' program <br /> <br />The WIA performance standard will be addressed in such a manner as to meet required reporting <br />needs through the delivery and evaluation of the proposed services for participants in the Success <br />Bound! program. Certificates of completion and/or test scores will validate the skill attainment rate. <br />The graduation or diploma rate will be based on the number of students graduating and/or acquiring a <br />GED. Retention rate data will the enrollment by participants in post-secondary programs; i.e., higher <br />education and/or technical or career training. The following chart summarizes the service provider <br />outcomes for the Success Bound' program in Santa Ana Unified vis-ii-vis those for the overall Youth <br />Service provider Network. <br /> <br /> <br />84.5% <br />67% <br />69.7% <br /> <br />85% <br />95% <br />80% <br /> <br />Skill Attaimnent Rate <br />Di loma Attaimnent Rate <br />Retention Rate <br /> <br />Certificates of completion and/or competency will be awarded for many of the proposed activities. <br />participants who successfully complete ROP courses and meet each courses' minimum competency <br />criteria will be awarded a Certificate of Competency. Participants in the adult mentor program are <br />awarded a Certificate of Completion by Career Beginnings of Orange County. The District awards <br />high school graduates with a diploma and those participants who graduate from a school such as <br />Century High School will also have a "senior portfolio" that will contain other certificates, awards, <br />etc., that the participant has accrued during his/her high school career. <br /> <br />Continuous improvement will be addressed via several procedures. One of the most important is the <br />participant attendance spread sheet used to monitor participant attendance at the weekly <br />leadership/guidance meetings and the monthly adult mentor activities. Another is the payroll spread <br />sheet and its supporting hourly reporting documentation for every participant who receives pay for <br />paid intemships/work experience and/or tutorial incentive pay. This data will assist the Success <br />Bound! program staff in monitoring the participation level of each student. This and other related <br />information will be included in case notes for each client in the Work Center's VOS system and other <br />paper documentation in local files at the ROP Center. Regular check-ups with work-place/internship <br />supervisors will also provide information on both each student's progress and the satisfaction level of <br />the training site staff. Participants will regularly provide feedback on the monthly Career Beginnings <br />of Orange County events. All of this information will serve to assist WIA staff in monitoring the <br />progress of Success Bound' activities so that improvement can be made whenever necessary. <br />Meetings with the W/O/RIK Center Service Navigation staff to ensure that administrative, recruitment <br />and case management procedures are both effective and efficient will augment these procedures. <br />