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Section 2: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the <br />National Environmental Policy Act, the proposed project is exempt from further review. <br />Categorical Exemption No. ER 2007-201 will be filed for this project. <br />Section 3: The City Council hereby approves the relocation plan for the <br />residential properties located at the 817 and 821 S. Townsend Street and 834 S. Raitt <br />Street, and the establishment of an account in accordance with state mandates for the <br />payment of relocation benefits to the displaced households. <br />Section 4: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by <br />the City Council, and the Clerk of the Council shall attest to and certify the vote adopting <br />this Resolution. <br />ADOPTED this 7`h day of January, 2008. <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />Joseph W. Fletcher, City Attorney <br />Lisa E. Storck <br />Assistant City Attorney <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSTAIN: <br />NOT PRESENT: <br />Councilmembers: Alvarez Benavides, Bustamante, Pulido, <br />Sarmiento, Tinaiero (6) <br />Councilmembers: Martinez (1) <br />Councilmembers: None (0) <br />Councilmembers: None (0) <br />Resolution No. 2008-005 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />