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INTRODUCTION <br />The Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board (WIB)/Oversight and Data Committee and <br />the Local Workforce Investment Area (LWIA) are issuing this Request for Proposals <br />(RFP) for an entity to conduct a Return on Investment (ROI) Study for Program Year <br />07-08 to study its Santa Ana Workforce Investment System. The WIB currently funds a <br />comprehensive One-Stop Center, known as the Santa Ana WORK Center, hereinafter <br />"One-Stop", located at 1000 E. Santa Ana Blvd., # 220, Santa Ana, CA 92701. The One- <br />Stop is funded primarily by funds from the Workforce Investment Act and Wagner- <br />Peyser Act. <br />The WIB would like afour-part study conducted to determine the ROI generated by the <br />One-Stop's "universal access" customers who used the One-Stop at least one time during <br />each quarter of PY07-08 to look for employment and used one or more of the various <br />senTices available at the One-Stop for universal access customers. The WIB envisions the <br />study following the same customers for four quarters while adding new customers each <br />quarter. The One-Stop provides a variety of job search services from which these <br />customers may pick and choose as they please to fit their individual needs. This study <br />will look at the usage and success of those individual services. This study will be a <br />follow-up to the Phase II study; which looked at universal customers and determined a <br />ROI of 473%. The previous ROI studies can be viewed at <br />A maxi'num amount of up to X20,000 has been earmarked for this study. The ROI study <br />is to consist of• 11 four quarterly telephone surveys of a random selection of One-Stop <br />customers who have used the One-Stop's service during the_ previous quarter; 2) four <br />quarterl~proaress reports to the Oversight and Data Committee• and 3) a final Report <br />which includes the results of the telephone surveys and a ROI analysis to the WIB. It is <br />anticipated that the Final ROI Report will be completed by December 31. 2008 and a <br />presentation to the Board will be scheduled for January 2009. <br />Quarterly participant data will be provided to the contractor for their random selection of <br />customers for the telephone survey portion of this study. In addition the One-Stop will <br />meet with the contractor to familiarize them with the services available at the One-Stop <br />which the customers are free to access during their visits ire order for the contractor to <br />develop the survey tool. Additional meetings, interviews, etc. that may be deemed <br />necessary by the selected contractor will be arranged as needed. <br />2 <br />25N-18 <br />