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PROJECTED TIME LII\TES <br />Request for Proposal Issued 10/16/07 <br />Proposals Due Date 11/13/07 <br />Proposal Review Period 11/14/07 - 11/30/07 <br />Oversight and Data committee Review and Recommendation 12/07/07 <br />Proposal Approval Date by V~TIB 1/11/07 <br />Proposal submittal and format: All proposals must be submitted by mail to the address <br />below and may be submitted by e-mail If a proposer chooses not to submit a proposal via <br />e-mail then the proposer must submit 5 copies of the proposal (mail or hand delivered) <br />with one original signature no later than November 13, 2007, at 5:00 pm. <br />If a proposer opts to submit a proposal by e-mail, then only one original signed hard co <br />of the proposal is required to be mailed to the address below. Proposals submitted via e- <br />mail must be e-mailed to Fran Jutzi at f utzi(a, by the due date. <br />Proposals sent via e-mail must be in Microsoft Word format, spread sheets on Excel and <br />all attachments or other documents must be downloadable with no specialsoftware <br />needed. The complete proposal must be accessible via e-mail. Proposals submitted by <br />e-mail must be VIRUS-FREE. Proposals that cannot be opened because of a VIRUS <br />will be determined NON-RESPONSIVE AND NOT CONSIDERED FOR THIS <br />PROCURMENT. If a submitted proposal has a virus and time permits, the proposer <br />will be notified. If time permits; the proposer may deliver the required hard copies of the <br />proposal by mail or hand as long as the proposal is received by the required deadline. <br />An original signed hard copy of each proposal submitted via email must also be <br />mailed to: <br />Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board, <br />ROI Study Proposal Attn: Fran Jutzi <br />888 VV. Santa Ana Blvd., #208 (hand delivered) or <br />P.O. Box 1988 - M73 (for mail}, <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702-1988 <br />Proposals will not be accepted after 5 pm on the due date (11/13/07). <br />If a proposal has been sent via email and accepted, the signed hard cope is due <br />within 5 working days (11-19-07). <br />Any questions regarding this Request for Proposal (RFP) maybe directed to Fran Jutzi at <br />(714) 565-2621. The VJIB will not be responsible for proposals lost or delayed for any <br />reason. <br />25N-19 <br />