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The absence of any of the requested information shall not be a basis for <br />dismissing the complaint. <br />A copy of the complaint must be sent t al resolupon~ At eacdh step of the <br />notified of the opportunity for an inform <br />complaint process, the complainant must be notified in writing of the next <br />procedural step. <br />2. Informal Conference <br />Informal conferences wili be utilized by the SantaS all not lextend thevtime <br />complaints; however, such informal conferences <br />within which a decision must be issued afterore~eiWeeks of thel date of fli g tof <br />at informal resolution will commence () <br />the complaint. <br />a. The EEO Officer will review the ca~iutio~ can take place at'the time of <br />conference so that appropriate res <br />this meeting whenever possible. <br />b. Although the complaintant should bsho Id nogp eclude h slher right to <br />conference, his/her failure to do <br />request a hearing on the matter. <br />c. If mutually satisfactory resolution reasubl~lsea pon foatfle fle stating the <br />concurs, the EEO Officer will write <br />issues and resolution. The matter shall then be considered closed. <br />d. If resolution does not re ndtassestance to req estla hear~ng iehe/she so <br />necessary information a <br />desires. <br />3. Request for Hearing <br />a. As in the case of the complaint, the request for a hearing should be put <br />in writing and be filed in person or by mail. A governing board <br />resolution of authorization to appeal should also be submitted when <br />appropriate. The request should be filed with: <br />Lydia H. Morgan <br />EEO Officer <br />Santa Ana Local Workforce Investment Area <br />1000 E. Santa Ana Blvd., Suite 200 <br />Santa Ana, CP, 92701 <br />9 <br />25N-51 <br />