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6. Complainants must initially file and exhaust L~NIA grant recipient/hearing <br />procedures prior to appealing to the State except where the State determines <br />that the LWIA grant recipient's procedures are not in compliance with the <br />State's procedures. <br />Procedures for Handling Complaints of :he LWfA Level <br />A. Receipt of Complaints <br />Pursuant to the WIA regulations found at 20 toRonduclt hea6 ngs0 and eesolve <br />administrative entities have the responsibrlr y <br />complaints made by individuals about the adminientt Ioandfemploye srtotwh chvthe <br />"LWIA bevel"encompasses LWIA admrnistrative Y <br />administrative entity has delegated the co sPaaisi reSOlc~ionect on with WIA programs <br />comprise the guidelines for resolving issue <br />operated by the Santa Ana LWIA including im °osit on of sanctioansttaken by the <br />actions, such as audit disallowances or the p <br />Governor with respect to audit findings, investigations or monitoring reports. <br />Form and Filing of Complaint <br />Official filing date of the complaint is the daneatLW ArEqualoEmploymentceived. <br />The filing of the complaint with the Santa A <br />Opportunity Offrcer shat! be considdea d;aThercomplaint must bean wating and <br />decision must be issued within 60 y <br />must be signed and dated. The complaint should also contain the following <br />information: <br />a <br />b. <br />Full name, telephone number, if any, and mailing address of the <br />complainant; <br />Fu11 name, telephone. number, and <br />involved (respondent); <br />mailing address of the agency <br />c. Clear and concise statement of facts including dates constituting <br />alleged violation; <br />d, What provisions under the Act, regulations, grant or other agreements <br />under the Act, are believed to have been violated; <br />e. Remedy sought by the complainant: and <br />f, If the complainant is a private or public, entity orbcoap i r authoazed bya <br />natural person, the filing of the complaint mus Y <br />the governing body of such entity or corporation. <br />8 <br />25N-50 <br />