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GLOSSARY OF W!A TERMS <br />AGE DISCRIMINATION ACT - A law passed by Congress in 1975 which prohibits discrimination <br />on the basis of age by any program or activity receiving Federal funds. <br />APPLICANT - An individual who applies to a subrecipia~icora ontract for services provided under <br />VUIP, and who has no yet transitioned to the status of p p <br />ASSESSMENT -Services designed to determine eachtpe~lalrpt cipant's employmyentpanddrelated <br />abilities and interests and to develcp a plan to achieve p <br />goals; also to identify the available employment and training activities appropriate for the <br />participant. Testing and counseling may also be used during the assessment pr-ocess. <br />CHARGING PARTY CP COMPLAINANT GRIEVANT. OR AGGaeEDeD Pment off Justice <br />person who charges that he/she has been discriminated against un p <br />nondiscrimination and civil rights regulations and/or guidelines. <br />DISCRIMINATION - In general, a failure to treat all equ ~I individtuallor class ofipersons totreceive <br />the effect of an action, policy or practice which selects a <br />unequal treatment. <br />ELIGIBLE NON-CITIZEN -Lawfully admitted permane~tbre~he attorney Gene'rall to wolrk ~ the <br />refugees, and parolees and other individuals authorize } <br />United States. <br />EMPLOYER - An employer subject to the provisions of th enc it ub'ect t cthe p9ovisions of Se tdion <br />including state and local governments and any Federal ag y J <br />717 of the Civil Rights Act, as amended; and any Federal contractor or subcontractor covered by <br />Executive Order 11246, as amended. <br />GRIEVANCE - An allegation that something imposes an illegal obligation or burden or denies <br />some equitable or legal right, or causes injustice. <br />HANDICAPPED INDIVIDUAL -Any individual whorhaloa~ent ical or mental disabilit}' that <br />constitutes or results in a substantial handicap toe p y <br />18 <br />25N-62 <br />