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INTAKE -Includes screening to determine eligibiiity; to select from eligible applicants those <br />individuals who are most in need and can benefit from program services; to complete procedural <br />requirements necessary to enroll an individual into the program and to refer those not enrolled to <br />other programs. <br />JOINT COMPLAINT - A complaint of employment discrimination covered by Title VII or the Equal <br />Pay Act and by Title VI or Title 1X. Individual "joint complaints" are normally investigated by EEOC <br />unless OCR has a compelling reason to investigate. Joint complaints" alleging discrimination in <br />employment and other practices and pattern or practice "joint complaints" are normally investigated <br />by OCR. <br />JURISDICTION -Authority to investigate and re~orvenfo cement, i ealT'tle VlnTitletlX, et bject to a <br />law or statute which has been assigned to OCR <br />PARTICIPANT -Any applicant who has: (1) Been determined eligible for participation upon intake; <br />and (2) Who is receiving subsidized employment, training or services (except post-termination <br />services) funded under the Act, following intake, except for an individual who receives only <br />outreach andlor intake and assessment services. <br />i9 <br />25N-63 <br />