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Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />O. Tributary to other environmentally sensitive areas? If so, can it exacerbate already existing <br />sensitive conditions? <br />P. Have a potentially significant environmental impact or surface water quality to either <br />marine, fresh or wetland waters? <br />Q. Have a potentially significant adverse impact on the groundwater quality? <br />R. Cause or contribute to an exceedance of applicable surface or groundwater receiving <br />water quality objectives or degradation of beneficial uses? <br />S. Impact aquatic, wetland or riparian habitat? <br />Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated <br />The City of Santa Ana is included within four watersheds, San Diego Creek, Santa Ana River, Talbert and <br />Westminster. Each of these watershed areas are under the jurisdiction of the Santa Ana Regional Water <br />Quality Control Board and subject to the objectives, water quality standards and Best Management <br />Practice requirements established in the Santa Ana River Basin Plan and Orange County Drainage Area <br />Management Plan. The City of Santa Ana implements the goals, objectives and requirements of the <br />Basin Plan and Drainage Area Management Plan through the City's Local Implementation Plan. <br />Storm water flows from the project site would be conveyed to an underground storm drain before <br />ultimately discharging into Santa Ana River watershed. The Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control <br />Board has identified Santa Ana River as impaired by nutrients, sediments, metals and pesticides. <br />The primary source of potential adverse water quality impacts associated with the construction and <br />operation of the proposed project would be from nuisance flows. Nuisance flows is defined as runoff that <br />occurs during periods that are not usually associated with rainfall, and are most commonly produced from <br />landscapirig irrigation, leaking pipes, and water used to wash off surfaces tributary to the street. Since <br />nuisance flows usually originates in the street, they commonly contain many common pollutants found in <br />streets such as oil and grease and sediment. Additionally, surface water runoff generated from the <br />project site during construction operations could be degraded potentially resulting in adverse water quality <br />impacts to downstream receiving waters. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />• Prior to issuance of grading permits, the project developer shall provide proof of coverage under <br />NPDES General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit that includes; (a) A copy of the <br />project's permit issued by the State Water Resource Control Board that identifies the permit <br />number, (B) Two copies of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. <br />• Prior to issuance of grading permits, the project developer shall submit and have approved a <br />surface drainage/utility plan that depicts all applicable Site Design, Structural Source Control and <br />Treatment Control Best Management Practices in accordance with the Orange County Drainage <br />Area Management Plan and the City of Santa Ana Local Implementation Plan. <br />• Provide two copies of the Water Quality Management Plan that would include the following: <br />Site Assessment <br />7~~~8 <br />