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Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />Mitigation Measures: <br />• Provide an irrevocable offer to dedicate eight feet of right-of-way along the project frontage to <br />allow an ultimate street centerline to property line width of 60 feet. <br />• Provide a 25 foot by 25 foot dedication for a corner cutoff/handicap ramps at the northeast corner <br />of MacArthur Boulevard and Plaza Drive. <br />• Record reciprocal ingress/egress easements between the project site and the properties to the <br />east. <br />B. Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of service standard established by the <br />county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways? <br />No Impact <br />The proposed project will not result in an increase in traffic that will affect the level of service standard for <br />MacArthur Boulevard or Bristol Street, the two arterial streets in the immediate vicinity. No impact is <br />anticipated. <br />C. Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a <br />change in location that results in substantial safety risks? <br />No Impact <br />There are no public airports in the City of Santa Ana; however, John Wayne International Airport is <br />located one-mile southwest of city limits. The proposed project is located within atwo-mile radius of the <br />airport. The maximum height of the building is 32 feet. No impact is anticipated. <br />D. Substantially increase hazards to a design feature <br />No Impact <br />Through the City's development review process, the City's Public Works Agency has determined that <br />implementation of the proposed project would not increase traffic hazards within the project area. <br />E. Result in inadequate emergency access <br />No Impact <br />As part of the City's development review process, the proposed project was reviewed by the Police <br />Department and the Fire Department to ensure adequate emergency access. No adverse emergency <br />access impacts would be associated with the proposed project. <br />F. Result in inadequate parking capacity <br />No Impact <br />The project's parking requirement, based on the City of Santa Ana parking code is 152 parking stalls. <br />The project will contain 160 parking stalls; therefore the project complies, and exceeds, the City's parking <br />requirement. <br />7 ~ iC ^ 14 <br />