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FULL PACKET_2008-05-05
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FULL PACKET_2008-05-05
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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />2008-2009 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN <br />^ Rehabilitation, not refinancing, must be the primary eligible purpose for the use of <br />HOME funds. To ensure that this requirement is met a minimum level of <br />rehabilitation of $15,000 per unit is required. <br />^ A review of management practices will be undertaken by the City to determine <br />that disinvestment in the property has not occurred, that the long term needs of <br />the project can be met, and that the feasibility of serving the targeted population <br />over the extended affordability period can be demonstrated. <br />During FY 2004-2005, program guidelines were developed to implement an ADDI- <br />funded homebuyer assistance program. Pursuant to ADDI regulations, funds will be <br />utilized to provide down payment assistance for eligible households. In addition to <br />marketing the program citywide, and in various languages, Housing Choice Voucher <br />rental assistance recipients and residents currently residing in manufactured housing <br />will be targeted. In order to ensure participating households are suitably prepared to <br />become homeowners, all participants will be required to attend pre- and post- <br />ownership training provided by a HUD-authorized housing counseling center. <br />Furthermore, to ensure compliance with the housing affordability terms of 24 CFR <br />92.254, the City will impose a recapture provision that will recoup all of the HOME <br />assistance provided to a homebuyer if the housing unit does not continue to be the <br />principal residence of the program participant during the period of affordability. <br />As required by the HOME program, the City has implemented an Affirmative <br />Marketing program for all projects with five or more HOME-assisted units. This is to <br />insure that multi-family owners receiving HOME funds will inform and solicit rental <br />applications from persons in the housing market who are not likely to apply for the <br />housing without special outreach. As also required by the HOME Program, the City <br />has adopted a Minority Outreach Program. This is to ensure minorities- and women- <br />businesses are provided the opportunity to participate in HOME-funded activities. <br />35 4/16/08 <br />19E-47 <br />
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