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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />2008-2009 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN <br />EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT <br />In October 2007, a Request for Proposals was mailed to homeless service providers <br />soliciting applications for FY 2008-2009 ESG funds. Fourteen service agencies <br />responded with funding requests totaling more than $495,000. Grant applicants <br />primarily sought funds to offset the costs of shelter operations and essential <br />services. To a much lesser degree, homelessness prevention and agency <br />administration funding was requested. <br />In February 2008, the City's Human Relations Commission conducted interviews to <br />rate and rank proposals. Evaluation criteria took into consideration the following <br />factors: <br />^ Number of people being served <br />^ Location of the service being provided <br />^ Percentage of program budget represented by the request <br />^ Prior funding history with the City of Santa Ana <br />^ Need for the service being proposed <br />The Human Relations Commission funding recommendations were considered at <br />the 2008-2009 Annual Plan public hearing. Subsequently, the City Council <br />approved the allocation of all 2008-2009 Emergency Shelter Grant funds. <br />All ESG grant applicants are required to identify the source of match funds in their <br />application. Match funds must equal or exceed the amount of grant funds <br />requested. Grant applicants have identified other Federal, State, and/or local <br />government funds, private donations and fees for services as ESG matching funds. <br />ESG subrecipients are required to submit certified proof of the receipt of these funds <br />with each payment request. <br />a~~ sroa 36 <br />19E-48 <br />