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Attachment A <br />• 9 <br />FY05 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM <br />other two vehicles to determine the best allocation of funds between ongoing and new <br />initiatives. <br />All provisions of the FY05 HSGP Program Guidelines, Sections I through V, and <br />appendices, apply to MRS unless explicitly stated otherwise herein. <br />The MMRS program was transferred to SLGCP on October 3, 2004. It is essential that, <br />as early as possible durinq the -grant period of performance, information regarding each <br />MMRS iurisdiction's operational area, operational plans, mutual aid arrangements, and <br />capabilities: training, equipping, and exercising activities and schedules be fully <br />coordinated with the State, and where relevant, Urban Area Homeland Security <br />Assessment and Strategy documents. <br />In addition, MRS jurisdictions are strongly encouraged to use ODP services regarding: <br />the preparation and implementation of homeland security assessments and strategies; <br />HSPTAP; the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium for training; and HSEEP. <br />ODP Preparedness Officers will serve as the principal points of contact for MMRS <br />jurisdictions in accessing these services. Other DHS- provided support relevant to <br />MMRS capabilities enhancement includes the NIMS Integration Center and the Office of <br />Interoperability and Compatibility. <br />Allocation of Funds <br />Recognizing that MMRS is inherently multi jurisdictional, funds must be expended to <br />support the regional MRS to establish and sustain enhanced local capabilities. States <br />are encouraged to pass down 100% of grant funds, but may retain 20% to facilitate <br />strategy assessment and capability integration between the state and MMRS <br />jurisdictions. States must have written concurrence between the SAA and MRS <br />Steering Committee Chair to use funds to: <br />• Support regional MMRS overall <br />• Advise and assist MMRS jurisdictions in awareness of, and in providing input <br />to, State and Urban Area Homeland Security Assessments and Strategies <br />• Ensure that MMRS - related mutual aid agreements conform with Statewide <br />and State regional resource management requirements and capabilities <br />• Advise and assist MMRS jurisdictions with HSPD -8 Preparedness <br />assessments and reporting. <br />Allowable Costs <br />Funds provided through this grant shall be used by MRS jurisdictions to accomplish <br />the following activities: <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY I OFFICE FOR DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS <br />92 <br />