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<br />uNiSYS <br /> <br />.solidated Agreement <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Unisys Cofpof~tion (Unilys) win sell and license Products and urvices and Client agree. to purchase and license those Products <br />and ..rvlces under the following terms and conditions: <br /> <br />1. Definitions <br /> <br />t. t Software means the ~ code vtr$ion of computer pro,ams <br />and any rela18d cIoc:umentatlon, excluding maintenance diagnostics. <br />SoftWare also means lIle source code version where provided by <br />Unisys. Software also means microcode, not embedded in a circuit <br />.11m.nt. that enablK the equipment 10 lunction according to its <br />published specifications. . <br /> <br />1.2 Products means equipment. SoftWare, doewnenlation (includillg <br />manuals and education materials) and Software maintenance releases <br />and l4)dates <br /> <br />t.3 Sottwa,., Procllsing Unit ("SPU"). mea", equipment which <br />controls and executes Softwate. <br /> <br />t.4 SURETY Support Servl~ means various rorms of installation <br />and support for the ~rocluctll. <br /> <br />1.5 Proprletlry Information melns Software. diagnostica. doeu, <br />mentation, including l1\lIooala, .nd any other inlOlTMtion confidential 10 <br />Unisys or i1s dcensorl, <br /> <br />1.8 Information Services means all technical and consultative <br />services other thall SURETY Support SllIVlcK. <br /> <br />1.7 Inatallallon Oate munaltlt dati Unisys colY1Jlletes installatien (IS <br />det.rmined by Unisys) or. if equipment or Software is to b. installed by <br />! <br />Client, the tenlh dly lollowing shipment <br /> <br />2. Enectl"e Date <br /> <br />This A!P'eement Will become effective llIhen signed by duly authorized <br />representattves or bOth panIM lOCI wilt continue in effect until <br />terminated aCCXlrding to itstenns. <br /> <br />3, Schedule. - Ordering ProCledure <br /> <br />3.1 Unisys will furnish to C6ent and Client will accept and pay lor the <br />Products and services itemize<! on the following Schedules which, <br />together with the terms on the SeheclJles. Ble an intl!!181 part 01 this <br />Ageemenl. <br /> <br />Schedule name <br /> <br />Equipment Sale <br />SURETY Support StNices <br />Soflwllre LiceflMS <br />Information Sentices <br /> <br />All references to Producl:$ and services in this Aveement are to the <br />Products and servIceS listed on the Schedu_ and on any SChedules <br />submitted to and accepted by Unisys pursuent to Section 3.2 and to <br />any Products and services supplied by Unisys. such listed Products. <br />and services. <br /> <br />3.2 Clienl may order addtIonaJ Products lInd services under this <br />Agreement by submitting P'OI*'ly completed Unisys Supplemental <br />Schedule Orders relerencing this lqeemenl. All Orders will refer to this <br />Ageernenl by number and wiY be signed by Clienl. All eClue.tion <br />lecture COIneS must be ordllfed on a Client Education Enrollment <br />Application. <br /> <br />3.3 All orderS are subject to acceptance by Unisys. Acceptance by <br />Unisys will be effective when communicated in witing to ClilnL Th. <br />receipt Of deposit ~ Unisys 0' . Client down payment will not conlUtua <br />acceptance 0' en ord.... Any down peyment received from Client will be <br />relurned if lIle ordet is not accepted by Unisys. <br /> <br />3.4 Unlsys may substitute Products 01 equivalent or superior lune- <br />tionlllity and performance in the event that any of the Products Ofdered <br />are not available at the time or shipment. <br /> <br />4. Delivery and Installation <br /> <br />4_1 Unisys will arrange lor delivery of Products and Clent wia pay lor <br />lransportallcn in accordance with the Unisys published transportation <br />charg8$ in effecl at the lime 01 delivery or. if Unisy. hat nol publiShed <br />any such charges, Client will pay Unisys for transpor1lltion chargn <br />aclllally incwed. Client will al90 pay for all cable. and site-specilie <br />installation materials required to install the equipment al en.nh site. <br /> <br />4.2 Unisy. wiD provide Clienl with one ccpy of the thln-c;urrent user <br />cloclII"lenlalion, ill PIP<<' or Ilaonie form at the option of Unisys. lor <br />use with Ihe ProdlJclS ordered Ind enviroMlental specifications for <br />equipment. wl1tre applicable. Prior to delivery of equipment. Client will <br />prepare the installation sile and will contlnue to maintain the installation <br />site in accardance with such specifications. <br /> <br />4.3 Client will instan all items of equipnlent with the designallon "YO In <br />the "Client installable" column when there is no inltallation cha~ listed <br />on the EqtJipmenl Sale Schec1lle. Utlisys will install an other Items 01 <br />equipment. Cltent will inslallllll item. of Software other than lhase for <br />which a fiud installation charge is indicated on th. Softwlre Licenses <br />Schedule. All Products to be installed by Unlsys will be insl8lled during <br />Unisys normal working hours. unllJSS olheNdse provided in lIlis <br />AlJ'.em.nt. <br /> <br />U Client may ItT8nge for installetion by Unisys of Client inst3IIable <br />ProdUcts. wbject to tile then.cutrent standard Unisys chargH and <br />concilions. <br /> <br />4.5 If additional labor end rigging if rlqulrld lor Installatlen due to <br />Clients specie' site requirernetlls. C6ent will pay ltlose c:osts including <br />costs Ie meet unicln or loc.llaw requirements. <br /> <br />5. Payment <br /> <br />5.1 Charges for Products wlll be Invoiced upon shipment <br /> <br />5.2 Charges for SURETY Support Services will be invoiced in adVance. <br />quarterly, annually, Of It other periodic intervals: otherwise. ch.rges ~II <br />be invoiced after the servicn .,. performed. Hourly LIse, plllge and <br />remote service charges will be invoic.d monthly unless otheNllst <br />indicated. <br /> <br />5.3 Charges for Inlormation Services will be invoiced as the services Ire <br />plrfooned. <br /> <br />5.4 All charges must be paid no later than 30 days from the date of tile <br />invoice. Unisys may impose a late payment charge equal to the lesser of <br />(a) 1-112% per month or (b) the maxim"" rate allowed by law. <br /> <br />5.5 Additional charges may apply to services rendered outside con- <br />tracled hours or beyond normal coverage at Clients request, e.g., travel <br />expenses. premium and minimum charges. <br /> <br />6. Tax.. <br /> <br />6.1 Client will pay any lax Unisys becomes obligated 10 pay by virtue <br />01 ll1is Ageemenl. exclusive of Iaxes based on the nel income of <br />Unisys. <br /> <br />6.2 All personal property and simillr taxes aSSI$Sed aftiii' shipment wI! <br />be paid by Clianl. <br /> <br />7. Price Protection <br /> <br />7. 1 TIle charges for Products In any accepted order will remain firm <br />through d.livery. unless through no fallt 01 Unisys shipment takes place <br />more than one year after the date of the order. If Unisys notines Client <br />that an Increase in charges will apply &0 ils order. Client may tamllnate <br />the affected part of Its 01'\'1., by giving witten no~e to Unisys ""thin ten <br />days of the date of notification of the increase. <br /> <br />20114 <br /> <br />4305 3982-00e (3199) <br />