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<br />.- <br /> <br />iJ SURETY S~porl Services charges WI.' .. illUeased dlring the <br />nl'il twelVe monltls !hi commen f those services. The <br />charges may be increased thereafter on eaeh anniversary of the com- <br />mencement data fDllowing 90 dllY1 prior written notice 10 Client. unless <br />oltteNise noted Olllhe SURETY Support Services Schedule. <br /> <br />7.3 Chlrges for SoltNarelic8t\s8s and InfO/mation Services will nal be <br />increased (bing any on..y. wm. but may be inQ'eas.d prier to any <br />subsequent term upon 90 days JlI'!OI' \\ritten nctlee 10 Client If Soltwlle <br />a setV~es ere contr8C1Id on I month-to-monlh basis ttle charges may <br />be increased et any time following 90 days prior written notice. <br /> <br />8. Security Inlerest <br /> <br />Unisys rKIfVK I pUl'CIlaS' money security interest in equipment ul)lil <br />payment in full is receiveci for all equipment dllliv..ed to Client and, fot <br />that purpose, Illis Ageement Is I seelKily a"," By Signing this <br />A;feement. Client iluthcriies Unisys or its agent to sigll on behalf of <br />Clienlthe neceSMry Iinlm:ing statements. or 10 Iile I reproduction of a <br />finllncing statement. A1tern.tinly, UniS'f' may filelllis Agreement (Jt a <br />ccpy of this Agreement to perfect its security interest. If thi, Agreem.nt <br />or a copy of it is filed. infcnnaticn concerning the seewity interest may be <br />obtained from Unisys atlhe a~ess staled in Section 17. <br /> <br />9. Client'. Operational Responsibilities <br /> <br />9.1 Clienl acknowledges it his independently deterrmned Itlat the <br />Products and services ordered under Ihis Ageernent meet ill <br />requiremenls . <br />g.2 Client has scle responsibility tor use of II\e Products. inCluding <br />operating procedures. audit controls, Ice:uracy Ind sec:urity of input and <br />output data, restart and recovery routines, and oltlel' procedures neces-. <br />/ sary for Clienf' intended use 01 1M Products. <br /> <br />9.3 Client will ensure that its personnel are, at all times. educated and <br />trained in lhe proper use Ind operation of the ProdUcts and !hat the <br />Prodllc:t$ 1f8 used in accordance INiIl applICable Unisys manuals Ind <br />inslnlctions <br /> <br />9.4 Client will maintain beck-up data necessary to replace critical Client <br />data in the event of loss or damage to such dBIa from any ~use. <br /> <br />9.5 11 Unisys is providing SURETY Suppert Services. Clienl will (I) <br />maintain IIle operating environment in accordanc. with Unisys <br />specifications, (b) prOllide adequat. working and storage SIlace fa usa <br />by Unisys personllel near the equipment. (c) provide Unisys lUll access <br />to the equipment and sufficient computer time, subject only to Client'l <br />security rules. (d) follow Unisys proceciwes fOl p1uing service requests <br />and determining if remedial seNice is required. (e) 10Raw Unisys In- <br />slructions for operatOl maintenance and obtaining services, 10 provide a <br />memory dump and additional dalB in machine readable form if 'equalled, <br />(g) reproduce suspected errors 01 malfunctions in Soft.Nare, and (h) <br />install ell elTor cOfTICtIonS and malntenllnco ,eIe8ses supplied by Ullisys. <br /> <br />9.6 Information Services supplied by Unisys undet II\is AlJeementlre <br />provided to ISsil1 Client. CHent, not Unisys, will be responsible <br />fOl determining objectives and obtaining the desired results. <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />10. Protection of ProprttUly InfofmaUaft <br /> <br />10. t Chent will keep in c:onlldellce and protec:t Proprietary Information <br />from disclosure 10 third parIie8 and rnlrlct lis use as provide<llt'l ItIls <br />A~eement. Client acknovMdges thet unsuthorized disclosure of Pro- <br />prietlry Information may cause .iGslBntill economic loss to Unisy' or its <br />licensors. All materials contlinlftg Proprietary Information will be marked <br />WIth 'Proprietary.' 'Conftdential,. or in a manner which gives notice of lis <br />proprietary nature. proprtetary Informllion wi. not be copied, in whole or <br />in parl. except when essential fOI correcting. generating a modifying <br />ProprielBty Inlom1ation for Clients aulhonzed use. Each copy, including <br />ils storage media. IlliU be marked by Client with all notices which appe. <br />on th. original. <br /> <br />10.2 Upon termination or cancellation of any license granted under lhis <br />Agreement, Client will dnlJoy (and. in writing, certify dt1truction) er <br />rllum to Uni&ys all copies of the Software the Iieanse for which has <br />been so terminated or canceled and any other related Proprietary <br /> <br />Infolmaticn in eli.seSSion (including Proprietary Inronnation. <br />incorporated in oth re << writings). <br /> <br />10 3 Ally icl8as, concepts, know-how. dati processing techniques. <br />Software, dOcumentation, dia"ams. schematics or blueprints deve~ <br />by Unisys peI'$Onnel (alone or jointly with Client) in connection ~th <br />Information Services prOVided to Client will be the exclusive pl'ee.rty of <br />Unisys. Unlsys granls to Client a non-exclusive. royally-free license to <br />use Bny of the fOlegoing in accOldance wilh the terms of tlIis <br />A!J'eement. <br /> <br />10.4 Client ackno~edges \hIt all support materials, including ""'thout <br />Iimilatlon. diagnostic software, are the property of and include Pro- <br />prietary Infannelion of Unisys. Client sssur=t that such materials Vlrill be <br />used only by Unisys maintenence personnel, and lhat Unlsys haa lhe <br />right to remove such materials from Clienfs facility at any tine. This <br />provision appijes even though such mat"ials may be listed in !he <br />U nisys price lists. ~atilogs, invoices ct conlracts. <br /> <br />10.5 Client will inform its employees of Iheir obliQlltions under this <br />Section 10 and insfuc:t them so as to ensile sudt obligations are me.. <br /> <br />tU This Section 10 INiIl survive termination or cancellation of this <br />A~ent. <br /> <br />11, LIcense <br /> <br />11.t Unisys grants III Client a persanal. non-elclusive and non- <br />hnstll'able license to use Software and related documentation ae:- <br />cording to !he terms and conditions or ItIis Agreement, solely for <br />elienfe inlemat data prgcessing requirements on the Unisys SPU in !he <br />Uniled Sliltes on which Software is initially instaled. Clienfs use or <br />Software will also be governed by .ny additional conditions which <br />Unisys may provide on or prior In delivery of Software. Client <br />a!J'ees that Unisys may periodically inspect lie computer site in order to <br />audit Software supplied by Unisys installe<2 at Clenfs site at mutually <br />agreed upon limes. \I a seplnlte license agreemenl accompanies non <br />Unisys commodity Software. lien the separate license a!J'"ff1lnt terms <br />will superwde the license terms in this AgrHment for that SoftWlre. <br /> <br />11.2 Client may modify any Unisys application Soft'Mlre and may <br />combine this Software INitll otller programs or materials to fonn an <br />updated wortl, provided lIlat upon termination of the license, the Unisys <br />application Software will be removed tram the updated WOI'k and <br />returned to Unisys. Clienl will not deCompile or disassembll anv <br />Soflware provided under this Agreement 01' modify SoftWare which <br />be.s a copyright notice of Iny third party. <br /> <br />11.3 Unisys pl'oYidel no media or documentaliOtl for So~ des, <br />ignated 'LO- (license Only). Client may make (8) one archival <br />copy (for backup purposes) of each ilem 0' SoftWare, and (b) one <br />eOll'l, as required, for each liceme ~nted of Softwllre designated .LO." <br />Each copy will conlBin alllegenclll and notices and will be subjtc:t to the <br />same conditions and rt1tric:tions as Ihe original. Soft\wtr. designated <br />.SUSSCRIt' (subScription) entitles Client to functional updates 11111 <br />Unisys releases fOl the same elgible base Software during the <br />applicable term of the subscription. provided Client has I CUlTent lie:ense <br />and Ihe latest applicabl' Software Maintenance Releases for !tie eligible <br />base Software. Softwwe designated "DRIVER" is for use solely with <br />lhose models 01 device types specified in Ille drivers then~Urrent <br />published specification and a license is required for each separately <br />lldltessable unit of a device type. <br /> <br />11.04 If the SPU on which any item 01 SoftWare is licensed becomes <br />temporarily unavlilable. use of such Software may be temporarily <br />transferred to an alternative SPU until Ihe originll SPU becomas <br />aVlilable. <br /> <br />tl.5 No license is glInled to Client to \lse any Unisys proprietary <br />operating syslem Software to assess. test or develop any llardWwe <br />products or device handler software or operdng S)'lItem sollware ht <br />will be mll'keted by Client or oltlers for canpensation. Client may ~- <br />valop oll\er software progrllll1S and may test fully developed, commer- <br />cially lvailebl, non Unisys hardware prodlK;ts or software pl'll!1ams <br />where such testing is solely intended fot Chenrs in.mal <br />evaluation of the fitness of such procIuct or pra",am for Client's own <br />int",nal data processing purposes. <br /> <br />3 0114 <br /> <br />43053982.(106 (31991 <br />