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<br />. . <br />, <br /> <br />{B.2 Unisys mlY ttmlinate SURETY ~0rviCAs or change sup- <br />port to Cliellt far a Product IC)On silc.,':i's .itten notice Of at <br />lhe expiration of the lIIen,current term for SURETY Suppor1 Services, <br />whichlNer occurs ..rtier <br /> <br />18.3 Either party may terminate any licensl for Software 01 any <br />SURETY Suppcx1 Serve. upon expiratiol\ of the ajlplieeble term <br />by providing 30 dayS prior.itIIn neb. Faiure to give such <br />result in a renewal or exleneion of Iht license or service in accordlllC8 <br />with the pl'owlsions of lIIis Ageemenl The licenses for any Software <br />automatically terminate upon ClIenrs discontinuanc. of USl of the SPU <br />on which ttw Software was f1censed, atlllhich lime Client must either <br />destroy or re(lI1l !he Software and dOcumentation to Unisys. Upon <br />termination 0( cancellallon of SURETY Support Services. all diagnostics <br />. will b. relUmed to Unisys. . <br /> <br />16.4 Without prejudice to olher remedies. Unisys mlY cancel tllis <br />~eement or any order placed under it. for dllault and repoSllAlSS <br />Products (lllCeluding only equipment for which the purchl$8 price has <br />been fully paid). if. ~ \llrittan notice, Client "Is 10 (a) make any <br />payment identified as delinquent (including payment 01 I" . <br />services) within ten d8y$ or (b) cure any derault relating to S~tions 10 <br />or 1 1 IlIittlin 30 days. <br /> <br />I e.s Unisys may lerminate SURElY Support Services on 30 days prior <br />'Mitten notice if Unisys determines lIIat any altl!'llions, attaclmenls, <br />Client Software modiflcalion or failll'e to install 8 maintenance releasl <br />wllllnt.fere with ltIe provilion of such services. <br /> <br />18.8 T ermillltion or cancellation of tllis Agteement will not afflct any <br />rights or dulies arising under it with respect to Proprie1alY Inlormation or . <br />seell'ity int<<est. <br /> <br />/ <br />'17. Notic;.. <br /> <br />17.1 AU notices required by ItIis Agreement 10 be ~en to Client wilt be <br />sent to its address on ltIe cOlIer page of lhis ~eemenl. <br /> <br />11.2 All nolicn required by Sections 16 and 18.1 and al reqUK15 for <br />information under Section 8 wiD be sent by certifted or registered mail <br />and, When given III Unjs~s. adctessed to: <br /> <br />Office of General Counsel <br />Unisys Corpontion <br />Unisys Way <br />BlueBell PA 19424 <br /> <br />cc; Regional VICe Presidetlt <br /> <br />17.3 All oltler notices to Unisys will be sent 10 lIIe Unisys offiCI which <br />has been servicing Clilnl. <br /> <br />18. Dispute Resolution <br />18.1 Disputes and Demands 0 ANt ClAII OR CONTROVERSY <br />RfLATED TO OR ARISING OUT Of THIS AGREEMENT WHETlER IN <br />CONTRACT OR IN TORT ("DlSPUTE1, WILL BE RESOlVED ON A <br />CONADENTIAL. BASIS ACCORDING TO TIE FOllOWING PROCESS. <br />WHICH EITHER PNtTY lAY START BY DELM!R1NG TO THE OTHER <br />PARTY A WRITTEN NOnCE DESCRHING THE DISPUTE AND THE <br />AMOUNT INVOLVSJ ("DEIIAND"). <br />18.2 Negotiation and IIedItIItJaft 0 AFTER RECEIPT Of A DEMAND, <br />AUTHORiZED REPRESENTATlVE& OF THE PNtTIES WlU.IlEET AT A <br />MUTUALLY AGREED UPON TIlE AND PLACE TO TRY TO ReSOL.VE <br />THE DISPUTE BY NEGOTIATION. IF THE DISPUTE REMAINS UN- <br />RESOLVED AFTER THIS MEETING, EITHER PARTY UAY&TART <br />MANDATORY NON-SINDlNG IEDlATION UNDER THE COMMERCIAL <br />MEDIATION RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION <br />(A.M). <br />18.3 Ar'Oltrlllon. IF THE DISPUTE REMAINS UNRESOlVED 45 DAYS <br />AFTER THE RECEIPT OF THE DEMAND, ElnB PARTY MAY START <br />BINDING ARBITRATION lJU)ER THE COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION <br />RULES OF TIE AM. THE ARBITRATION WlU. Be BEFORE ONE <br />ARBITRATOR; HOWEVER. BEFORe THE SELECTION OF THI!! <br />ARBITRATOR. A PARTY ~OSE IDENTITY WlLJ. NOT BE RMALEO <br />TO THE ARBITRATORS) MAY REQUIRE, AT ITS sa.e ADDITIONAL <br /> <br />EXPENSE, A T~BITRATOft PNEL. AT lEA.ST ONE Mil- <br />TRATOR WILL .~ ATTORNEY. NO STATEMENTS SV, OR <br />COMMUMCATICNS BETWEEN, THE PARTIES CURING NEGOTIATION <br />OR MEDIATION, OR SOTH, UNDER SECTION 11.2, ABOVE. WIll BE <br />ADMISSIBLE FOR Am PURPOSe IN ARSITRAnON, THE ARSITRA- <br />TOR(S) WILL HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO AWARD PUNlTIVI! DAMAGES <br />OR A14Y OTHER MONET MY RELIEF NOT MEASURED BY THe <br />PREVAILING PARTY'S ACTUAl. DAMAGES (ADJUSTMENTS FOR TIMe <br />v AWE OF MONEY PERMITTED), AJ#D WIlL NOT MA.I<E Nff tECISION <br />INCONSISTENT WITH THe TERMS AND CCIOTIONS OF TIo1IS <br />AGREEMENT. EACH PARTY WILL SEM ITS OWN INTERNAL <br />EXPENSES AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. <br /> <br />1ll.4 Court . NOTHING IN THIS SECTION 18 WIU. PRECLUDE A <br />PARTY'S RECOURSE TO A COURT '* COMPETENT J\RSOlCTlON <br />TO (II ENFORCE THE TERMS OF, OR AN AJUrRATION AWAIm <br />UNDER, THIS SECTION; (b) SEEK TEMPORARY EQUITABlE RJ:UEF <br />NECESSARY TO PROTECT ITS INTERESTS; OR (c) RECOVER <br />SPECIFIC PROPERTV,INa.UOING 1M ACTION IN REPLeVIN. <br /> <br />18.5 Time LimIt, NEITHER ARBITRATION UNDfR THIS SfCTION <br />NOR NIY LEGAL ACTION, REGAAa..ESS OF ITS FORM. RELATeD TO <br />OR ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT MAY BE BROUGHr MORE <br />THAN 2 YEARS AfTER THE CAUSE Of ACTION FIRST ACCRUED, <br />EXcePT IF A DEMAND IS MADE WITHIN 45 DAYS BEFORE THE END <br />OF THIS 2 YEAR PERIOO, THE PMTIES 'MLL HAVE 60 AOOlTIONAl <br />DAYS FROM THe DEMAND TO STNtT ARBITRATION UNDER THS <br />AGREEMENT. <br /> <br />19, Other Provisions <br /> <br />t 9' All risk of loss or damage to Products w~1 pass to Client upon <br />delivlll)' to Clienfs localion. . <br /> <br />t 92 Neitl\er party w~1 be liable f<< failure to lulfia its obliga1lcns wilen <br />due to causes beyond ill reasonable control. <br /> <br />19.3 Any 'allure or delay by either patty in ellerc:ising any right or <br />remedy wiR not constitute 8 waiver. <br /> <br />19.4 THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE GOVERNED BY THE LOCAL LAW OF <br />THE COMMONWEAl. TH Of PENNSYLVANIA. <br /> <br />19.5 This ~eement constitutes tile entre agreement between the <br />parties wi1h respect to the Products and services pC'ovided hereunder <br />and $upenedes all prior proposals and alJtements, bolh v.ritten and <br />CInII, and all other written and oral communications bet.wen the parties. <br />Statements made to you in the course 01 th~ sala are subject to the <br />Year 2000 Informalion and Readiness Disclosure Act (15 U,S.C. <br />t.note). In the 1:8$' of a dispute. this Act mlY reduce your legal ri~ts <br />regarding 111. use of any such stelem.nt., unless olllerwise specified by <br />your contractor tarin. The terms and conditions of this Agreement win <br />supersede all other terms and conditions submitted by CUent, including <br />any preprinted terms on any Client purcllase orders. <br /> <br />19.e Unisys may assign lhis Agreement or its interest in any equipment <br />01 assign the right to receive payments, WIthout Client's c:onseflt. Ally <br />such assignment. hOW8'ller. wUI not change the obligations of lJnlays to <br />Clie~t. Cticnt will not assign or trans'" its rights or obligations undlt <br />this AlJeement \iAthout prior v.fitten consent of Unisys. Any assignment <br />or transfer prohibited by this provision will be void. Unisys mlY <br />subconlract any serviCes desCfibed In this Agreement to third parties <br />selected by Unisys. <br /> <br />19.7 The terms and conditions of this Agreement may be modified only <br />by a lM'iting Signed by a Uni$Ys Vice President, General Manager or <br />Contracts Manager. <br /> <br />19.8 Each paraf1aph and prOVIsion of this A,.eement is severable, and <br />il one or more p8r&g1llPhs or provisions IIrll declared invalid. the <br />remaining provisions of ltIls Agreement will remain in full tace and <br />effect. <br /> <br />19.9 Prodllcls and services provided under this 1qeement may be <br />subjllC! Ie U.S. and other govllfTlment export eonltol regula1ion.. Client <br />assures ttlIt it will comply with all applicable export laws and regulations <br />",elated to lIIe use, disclosure. IXPort. or reexport of these Products and <br />services. <br /> <br />6 of 14 <br /> <br />430~ 3982.006 (3188) <br />