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<br />; " <br /> <br />(bi :TO detemline eli9bili~ a~ prerequi~or SURETY Supt:)Clrt <br />SINM;8S. Unisys may requn Iftspec;tion. ~t expeMe. of equep. <br />ment which (i) has not been maintained continuousl'f by Unisys from tt1e <br />date of purchne by Client or (i1) has been relocated. <br /> <br />(c) unisys requires tile same SURETY Suppor1 Service level lor the <br />SPU and all equipment and Sollwllre that is eligible fOl SURET'f <br />Support Services and interoper1r.a wilh the SPU. Application softMlr.. <br />10cII area netwcrts. wcrtslatioM. and remote data communicaUons <br />. Products are excluded from III. requirement. <br /> <br />(d) SURETY Support Services de nat cover the parts and service <br />reql.lired to repair damlga or cmect errors attributable 10 (i) alterations <br />or OUI-cf,specitlcalion suppl~. (ii) accidellls. misuse. negligence or <br />failure of Client to fallow instructions for proper use, care and cleaning <br />of eqJipment. ~ii) extemal factors (e.g.. failure or fluctuation 01 elecijcal <br />power or ai' conditioning. fire, Rood). or (iv) failure by Cflent to comply <br />with UniSyS environmental specifications. <br /> <br />(e) SURETY &\4lPort Services apply only to properly configurlCl <br />Proc1ucts at the minimum hardware Md so/twar. levels designated by <br />Unisys for $Upp0lt of tile aprlIieable Product specification. SUREn <br />Support Services will include repair or correclion of matefial deviations <br />that prevent tile Prodllctfrorn being Year 2000 Ready only il the Product <br />is Wlrl'Inted as -R" according to Sections 12.4(a) and (c) and Unisys is <br />then currently providing <Iev,lopment center support (also caned <br />engineering support) fOl tile Product or. if Unisys discontinues <br />development center support. a Unisy$ created repair or CCllfec:tion <br />already ellists for the same deviation. Except as provided in the <br />immediately preceding sentence. .,1 SURETY Su~ort Servtees <br />provided by Unisys ellclude repair of damage or correction of errors <br />related 10 date data functiDnality. <br /> <br />/ (f) SURETY Support Services do not include correction or repair of <br />, defects. Including any related to date data fIlnclionality, in the design.. <br />manufacture, materials 01' workmanship of eittlet (i) non Unisys servic:1$ <br />Of products without a Unisys brand, Qt (ii) Product(s) for wl\icn Unisys <br />has discontinuld development center support <br /> <br />12.& Information Slrvlces: <br /> <br />(a) Unisys will endeavor to provide Informalion Services on a timely <br />basis subject 10 availability of qualified personnel and lhe dilllcutty and <br />scope of the setVices to b. provided. <br /> <br />(b) Unisys may Inign. r"$Slgn and substitute personnel at any lime <br />and may provide the same or simil. services and ma1erials to olhtr <br />clien13. <br /> <br />Ic) Information Services under this Agreement do nol include any <br />services related to date data functionality, including setVic:es pertaining <br />to Yur 2000. <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />13. Alterations and Atbchments <br /> <br />13.1 If UnisY$ is providlllG SURETY Support Services. Client "". give <br />Unisys prior written notice of .ny proposed altefations or allachmenls to <br />equipmenl. Unisys hiS no obligation tD provide SURElY Support <br />Services fOI non Unisys attachments, allered equipment 01 modified <br />Software. Should Unisys a~.. to maintain. support or correct altered <br />Products, Unisys may impose IIddiIionaI cIIaf~S. <br /> <br />13.2 Unisys is not rl$poIl8ibII for allY malfunction. nonpetfonnanca or <br />degadation of petfonnanee 01 Products, SlJAlHe:s or maintenance <br />suppcrt materials caused by or r..uJlIng directly at indireclly from any <br />alteration or attachment unless Unisys is maintaining and Client has <br />notified Unisys of the alt"aUOn or attachment that causes Ule <br />malfunction. <br /> <br />13.3 Unisys warranties will not apply if attachment of non Unisys <br />equipment 01' alteration of Prcclucl:s directly or indireclly results in any <br />malfunction, nonperformance at degrad8don of performance of Un;.y. <br />Praclucts; in addillon, Client will be solely responsible for resulting <br />infringement. personal inilrf or damage to property and Products. <br /> <br />13.4 Fat PWPOMS 01 this ~eement. "alterations" includes. but is not <br />limited 10. the incorporation of non Unisys components. boardS and <br />subassemblies Inll> equipment, 8S Will as modifications to Software. <br />'AlIacllmenls' includes. but is not limited to. any non Unisys <br /> <br />5 of 14 <br /> <br />equipment. salW.~on.nts 01' deviees whieh ara connecttd to <br />Unisy1 Products. <br /> <br />14. L.lmlt.aUon of Liability <br /> <br />14. t UNLESS FURTHER UMITEO ELSEWHERE IN THIS AGREEMENT, <br />THE EN11RE UA8lUTY OF UNISYS AND WENT'S exCLUSIVe <br />REMEDY FOR DAMAGES FROM ~Y CAUSE RELATeD TO OR AA1~ <br />IHG OUT OF TIIS AGREEMENT, REGARDlESS OF THE FORM OF <br />ACTION, METHER IN CONTRACT OR IN TORT, W1U NOT EXCEED <br />THE GREATER OF (a) $100,000 OR (b) THE CHARGES PAID TO <br />UNISYS DURING THE 24-MONTH PERIOD IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO <br />CUENT'S NOTICE PURSUANT TO SeCTION 1&.1 FOR THE PRODUCTS <br />OR SERVICES WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT MATTER OF OR DIRECTLY <br />RELATeD TO THE CAUses OF ACTION ASSERTED. THIS SECTION <br />1..1 DOES NOT APPLY TO CLAIMS COVERED BY SECTION 15. <br /> <br />14.2 IN NO EVENT W1U IMISYS BE LIABLE FOR (a) NlY INCI- <br />DENTAl, INDI~CT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL. DAlMGES, <br />INQ.UDlNG, BUT NOT UIltTED TO. lOSS CF USE, REVENUES, <br />PROFITS OR SAVINGS. EVEN IF UNISYS KNEW OR SHOULD HAve <br />KNOWN OF THE POSSIBIUTY OF SUCH DAMAGeS, (b) C~MS. <br />oeMANDS OR ACTIONS AGAINST ClIENT BY AllY PERSON, exCEPT <br />AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 15, OR (e) LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO <br />CUENT DATA FROM AJtf CAUSE. . <br /> <br />14.3 The entira Dability or Unisys an:.! Clienrs exdusive remedy for any <br />defective non Unisys Product$ provicled under thi$ Agreement is limittd <br />to tllail' relUm to Unisys within 9Q days aft. shipment fat refund 0' ttle <br />amount paid Ie Unily$ for such Products (not including any amounla <br />paid lor related services). <br /> <br />14.4 Unisya may direct Client tc third parties having products 0( <br />services which may be of Inwest 10 Client ror use In conjunetlon with <br />the Products. Not\l/it1lstanding any Unily$ rec<<nmendatlon, rel'en'al or <br />introduetion, Client win independenUy investigate and test non Uoisys <br />produets and SefVicet and will have $Ole respansitlitity for detenninint <br />suitability lor IIse of non Unisys products and services. Unisys has no <br />liability with respect to claims relating 10 Of arising from use of non <br />Unisys products and services. including, wltl\out limitation. claims <br />arislOg from Ia~"e of non Unisys products 10 provide propel limit and <br />date Iunctiona~ly. <br /> <br />15. Patent. Copyright and Trade Secret Indemnification <br /> <br />15.1 Unisys, at its 0\Ml expense. will defend and indemnify Client <br />against claims that Products furnished under this Agreement inrringe . <br />United States patent 01 copyright or misaFFoprlate trade secreta pr0- <br />tected under United Stat8$ law. provided Client (a) gives UniS)'$ prompt <br />written notice of such claims pursuant to Section t7. ~) pemlits Unisys <br />to defend or settle lI1e clams, and (c) Pfovides all reasonllble <br />assistance to Unisys in defending or settling the claims. <br /> <br />15.2 As 10 any Product whiCh Is subleclto a claim of infringement Of' <br />misappropriation. Unisy. may la} obtain the right of continued use or the <br />Product for Client or (b) replace or modify lhe Product to avoid tile <br />claim. If neither alternative is avaiBble on cOlmlercially reasonable <br />terms. lhen. at the rCque'Jlt of Unisys. any applicable Software license <br />and its charge$ will end, Client will slop using the Product, and Client <br />will return the Pradue! to Unisys. Upon retum of the Produet. Unisys will <br />giva Client a credit far till price paid to Unlsys. less a reasonable offset <br />ror use Ind obsolescence. <br /> <br />15.3 Unisys will not defend or indemnify Client if any claim or In- <br />frin!jlment or misapprop'iation (e) is usarted by a parent. subsidiwy 01 <br />affiliate of Client (b) results "om Client's design or alteration 0' any <br />Producl. (c) rnutts from use of any Produc:t in conilination with any nen <br />Unisys product. or (d) relates to a non Unr.sys Product alone. <br /> <br />t5.4 This Seclion 15 slates tile entire liability of Unisys and CII.nts <br />sole and exclusive remedies for patent or copyright intingement and <br />trade secret mislppl'opriaUon. <br /> <br />16. Termination and CuceUatioll <br /> <br />16.1 Unisys may suspend SURETY Support Services if any payme'" fer <br />such s8fVice und.. this Aveement is past due more !han 30 days. <br /> <br />4305 31182-OOi (3199) <br />