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6308043N684TIL09 <br />aMMERCfAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY <br />BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED <br />(CONTRACTORS) <br />This endorsement modiffes Insurance provided under the following: <br />COMMERCIAL. GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />1. WHO IS AN INSURED — (Section 11) Is amended <br />to Include any person or organization that you <br />agree in a '`vrtrien contract requiring Insurance <br />to include as an additional insured on kids Cover- <br />age Part, but: <br />a) OMy with respect to liability for "bcdNy injury', <br />°Ireperty damage' or •personal InjuryP; and <br />b) If, and only to the extent that, the Injury or <br />damage Is caused by acts or onbsbns of <br />You or your subcontractor in the performance <br />of 'your work" to which the ' wiltten contract <br />requiring insurance" applies. The parson or <br />organization does not qualify as an additional <br />insured with respect to the Independent acts <br />or omissions of such person or organization. <br />The Insurance provided. to the addtnonal Insured <br />by this enndorsement Is Nmltod as follows: <br />a) In the event that the Limits of Insurance of <br />this Coverage Part shown In the Dacteratlons <br />exceed the limits of liability requlred by the <br />"written contract requiring insurance", the in- <br />surance provided to the additional lnsumd <br />shall be limited to the I1mlts of liability re- <br />quired by that '\widen contract requiring in- <br />surance'- This endorsement shalt not in- <br />creasti the Iimlts of Insurance described In <br />Sedlon 10 Limits Of insurance. <br />b) The insurance provided to the additional In- <br />sured does not apply to "bodily inlury", "prop- <br />erty damage' or personal Injury* arising out <br />of fie rendering of, or failure to render, any <br />professional architectural, engineering or sur- <br />veying services, Including: <br />I. The preparing approving, or railing to <br />prepare or approve, mops, shop dm►v- <br />lolfs, opinions. reports, surveys, Nell or- <br />ders or change orders, or the preparing, <br />approving, or failing to prepare or ap- <br />prove, drawi►gs and speaKetlons, and <br />N, Supervisory, Inspectlom architmwal or <br />engineering ac(Miles. <br />c) The insurance provided to the additional In- <br />sured does not apply to 'bodily Injury" or <br />"property damage' caused by *your woW <br />and Included In the 'products -completed op- <br />erations hazard' unless the 'written contract <br />requiring Insurance' specifically requires you <br />to provide such coverage for that additional <br />Insured. and then the Insurance provided to <br />the additional Insured applies only to such <br />'bodily Injury" Or "property damage" that oc- <br />curs beibYe the end of the period of time for <br />which the )N41(an contract requlrbtg insur- <br />ance" requires YOU to provide such coverage <br />or the end of the polloy period, whichever is <br />earner. <br />3. The insurance provided to ft additional Insured <br />by (his endorsement is excess over any valid and <br />collectible 'Other insurance', whether primary, <br />excess, contingent or on any other basis, that is <br />avallable to the additional insured for a loss we <br />COW under fMa endorsement. However, if the <br />"Written conirnct requiring insurance spec(ticaffy <br />requires that this insurance ripply on a primary <br />basis or a primary and non-contributory basis, <br />this Insurance Is primary to mother insurance" <br />available to the additional insured which covers <br />that person or organization as a named Insured <br />(or such loss, and we VAN not sham with that <br />'Other Insurance". But (he Insurance provided to <br />(he additional insured by We endorsement still is <br />excess over any valid and collectible 'other in- <br />surence", whether primary, exC,ess, contingent or <br />on any other bests, that Is available to the addl- <br />tional insured when that person or otganlzallon is <br />an additional Insured under such 'other insur- <br />Moen. <br />4. As a condition of Coverage provided to the <br />additional Insured by this endorseroeni: <br />a) The addnlonal Insured must give us written <br />notice as soon as practicable of an 'occur+- <br />rerx;e' or an offense which may resuk In a <br />claim. To the extent possible, such notice <br />should include: <br />CC) D2 46 08 06 rib 2006 The SL Paul Travelers Componlea, Inc. <br />.'.ERT 1>=., SUAa49 CL11Np CCCs, Ig1Klt_I Yekh . N,+if l�ltta 0.twatiN,7 if2</]PO! S,di.76 W Mgt 3 <br />of f <br />Page t of 2 <br />