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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LiABILiTY <br />1. How, when and where fho °occurrence" <br />or Offense took place; <br />Ii, The names and addresses of any Injured <br />persons and witnessos; and <br />Ill. The nature and location of any Injury or <br />damage arising out of the "occurrence" or <br />offense. <br />b) if a claim la made or'oulla Is brought against <br />the additional insured, the additional Insured <br />must: <br />I. Immadiately record the apadlics of the <br />claim WSW and the date received; and <br />II. Notity us as soon as praclicabie. <br />The additional Insured must sae to it that we <br />receive written notice of the daim or "sWP as <br />soon as pradicabie. <br />a) The additional insured must immediately <br />send us Copies of all legal papers received in <br />oonnection with Uto claim or "soft', cooperate <br />wfth us in the investigation or settlement of <br />the claim or defense ag*N1 the "Butt', and <br />otherwise comply with all policy conditions. <br />d) The additional insured must tender the de- <br />fense and indemnity of any claim or "$ull" to <br />any provider of "Othor Insurance" which would <br />cover the additional Insured for a loss we <br />cover under this endorsement. However. this <br />condltion does not affect wftt►ter the incur- <br />ante provided to the addhionai Insured by <br />this endorsement is primary to mother Insur- <br />ance" available to tha additional insured <br />vdrkcr covers that person or organiomlion es a <br />named Insured as described in paragraph 3. <br />above. <br />5. The following definition is added to SECTIoN V. <br />-- DiERNITIQNS: <br />"Written contract requiring Insurance" means <br />that part of any written contract or agyeeroent <br />under which you are required to include a <br />person or omganlzation aS 8n additional In. <br />sured on this Coverage Part, provided that <br />the "badliy injury' and "proparty damage" act. <br />cure and the "personal Injury" is caused by an <br />otfensc committed: <br />a. After the Waninng and execution of The <br />oontraal or agreement by you; <br />b. While that part of the contract or <br />agreement is in effect; and <br />o. Before the end of the poiloy period. <br />Page 2 of 2 0 2005 The St, Paul Travelers Companies, inc. <br />C¢sT :11:.. S�IOJS� l•L7YNp OCCl. NY6ciI-� Y01to"[imEa ftmma.l"g 7/]i/2oaC stale:& PK Ny* 4 of 4 <br />CO tit 46 08 05 <br />