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5. Prepare responses to comments and Final EIR <br />Prepare response to comments on the Draft EIR, as part <br />of the screencheck Final EIR (in conformance with the <br />requirements of Section 15132 of the CEQA Guidelines). <br />Based upon the comments received during the public <br />review period, prepare revisions to the Draft EIR that will <br />constitute the Final EIR. <br />Revise the Final EIR in response to comments from City <br />staff and distribute the Final EIR to all public agencies <br />commenting on the Draft EIR. Private organizations and <br />individuals that comment on the Draft EIR will receive a <br />copy of the response to their comment(s). <br />Time: 4 weeks <br />(This timeline assumes receiving no more than 20 <br />comment letters. This does not include the City's review <br />time.) <br />6. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />(MMRP) <br />Prepare a Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMRP), as part <br />of the screencheck Final EIR to ensure that proposed <br />mitigation measures included in the EIR are implemented <br />to reduce or eliminate significant project impacts. <br />Time: 2 weeks <br />7. Findings of Fact / Statement of Overriding <br />Consideration / Notice of Determination <br />Prepare a statement of findings of fact, as part of the <br />screencheck final EIR, pursuant to Section 15091 and <br />15093 of the State CEQA Guidelines to balance project <br />benefits against its unavoidable environmental risks. <br />Prepare statement of overriding consideration for impacts <br />that cannot be mitigated. <br />Prepare Notice of Determination (NOD) within one day of <br />project approval, consistent with Section 21108(a) of the <br />CEQA Guidelines. Submit to the City for filing. <br />Time: 3 weeks , <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA -ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Ill <br />8. Public Hearings <br />Prepare for and attend public Planning Commission and <br />City Council hearings as the environmental consultant. If <br />requested, prepare a presentation. <br />Time: 6 weeks <br />Schedule Summary <br />A total of 37 weeks does not include the 30 -day IS/NOP <br />review, City's review time, and the 45 -day Draft EIR public <br />review. However, it should be noted that the tasks listed <br />above are not necessarily sequential and may occur <br />concurrently with one another. <br />EDAW INC DESIGN FLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTS WORLDWIDE <br />