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Proposal to Provide <br />Environmental (CEQA/NEPA) Consulting Services <br />Kickoff Meeting - This task involves meeting with City staff, members of the applicant group (if <br />appropriate), and key members of the consultant team to review and confirm study objectives and <br />establish an operational protocol. 4 <br />Initial Study/NOP - This task involves completion of an Initial Study checklist along with supporting <br />discussion and a Notice of Preparation (NOP) for circulation to concerned agencies. <br />EIR Scoping Meeting - An EIR scoping meeting is typically held during the 30-day NOP period to <br />introduce the community to the proposed project, provide an overview of the EIR process, and obtain <br />input on the EIR scope of work. This meeting would be attended by Rincori s Principal in Charge <br />and/or Project Manager and would include a brief presentation, followed by receipt of input from <br />meeting attendees (note: scoping meetings are required only for "regionally significant" projects). <br />EIR Project Description - This section includes a detailed description of the proposal being analyzed <br />in the EIR, including descriptions of the site and its location, project characteristics relevant to the EIR <br />analysis, project objectives, and required discretionary approvals. The project description typically, <br />includes textual, tabular, and graphic presentation. <br />Administrative Draft EIR - Internal review draft of the EIR, which typically includes the following: <br />• Executive Summary - Summary of the proposed project and associated environmental <br />consequences presented in tabular format to simplify review by decision -makers and the general <br />public <br />• Introduction and Environmental Setting - Introductory sections (required by CEQA) that lay <br />the groundwork for and summarize the substantive analysis to follow; the introduction <br />describes the purpose and legal authority of the study, and provide a discussion of lead, <br />responsible and trustee agencies; the environmental setting provides a general description of <br />the existing urban geographic character of the City and the site vicinity <br />• Environmental Impact Analysis - Analysis of impacts determined in the Initial Study to be <br />potentially significant; includes four main components: <br />• Setting (description of current conditions with respect to the issue are in question, including the <br />existing regulatory environment) <br />• Impact analysis (discussion of potentially significant effects of the proposed project; impacts are <br />typically compared to established "thresholds of significance") <br />• Mitigation measures (methods by which significant effects can be reduced or eliminated) <br />• Level of significance after mitigation (discussion of whether or not proposed mitigation measures <br />reduce impacts to below the adopted significance threshold) <br />• Alternatives - CEQA requires that an EIR examine of a "reasonable range" of alternatives. This <br />typically involves examination of about four alternatives that are identified during the course of <br />the study. Alternatives are developed in close communication with City staff and focus on <br />alternatives that are capable of avoiding or reducing significant impacts of the proposed <br />project. Evaluation of alternatives would be in less detail than that for the proposed project, <br />though the analysis will provide decision -makers and the public adequate information to <br />decide between alternatives. This section will also identify the "environmentally superior <br />alternative." If the "no project - no building" alternative is determined to be environmentally <br />superior, the EIR will identify the environmentally superior alternative among the remaining <br />scenarios. <br />• Other CEQA-Required Discussions - EIRs also include other discussions required by the State <br />CEQA Guidelines, including an analysis of potential growth -inducing impacts and a listing of <br />significant irreversible changes, where applicable. <br />City of Santa Ana <br />