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<br />9. The applicant shall apply soil stabilizers to inactive areas; water exposed <br />surfaces two times a day to reduce air quality impacts from construction <br />related activities. <br /> <br />10. The applicant shall apply position equipment staging areas away from the <br />sensitive receptors to reduce air quality impacts from construction related <br />activities. <br /> <br />11. If human remains are unearthed during construction, work shall cease <br />immediately and the County Coroner shall be contacted to make <br />necessary findings as to the origin and disposition pursuant to Public <br />Resources Code Section 5097.98. If the remains are determined to be of <br />Native American decent, the NAHC shall be notified. The NAHC will <br />identify the ancestry of the remains and determine which course of action <br />should be taken in addressing the findings. <br /> <br />12. If the temporary structures are to be demolished, then as a condition of <br />approval for the project, an asbestos containing materials survey will be <br />performed by a qualified environmental professional before any demolition <br />permit is issued. Said survey will adhere to federal, state, and local <br />regulations and will be sent to the City for approval. If the survey finds <br />ACMs in the temporary structures, then those materials containing ACMs <br />will be removed and disposed of in accordance with federal, state, and <br />local laws and regulations. <br /> <br />13. If lead-based paint is discovered during on-site investigations, all building <br />materials containing lead-based paint will be removed, transported, and <br />disposed of at landfills that meet acceptance criteria for the waste being <br />disposed. Demolition and removal shall be performed in conformance <br />with federal, state, and local laws and regulations pertaining to lead based <br />paint. <br /> <br />14. As part of the design for the proposed project, a Water Quality <br />Management Plan (WQMP) will be prepared and implemented. The <br />WQMP will include structural and nonstructural Best Management <br />Practices (BMPs), which will avoid or minimize, to the greatest extent <br />possible, the impacts associated with the daily operation of the project <br />site. <br /> <br />15. The proposed project will require a National Pollution Discharge <br />Elimination System (NPDES) permit and will require the preparation of a <br />Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) incorporating BMPs to <br />reduce stormwater impacts during construction. <br /> <br />16. Construction activities shall comply with the applicable local jurisdiction's <br />construction noise requirements. The City of Santa Ana Noise Ordinance <br />prohibits construction activities between the hour of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 <br />a.m. Monday through Saturday, anytime on Sundays, and federal <br />holidays. <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2008-065 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />