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<br />KO- 7/26/08 <br /> <br />17. All noise-producing project equipment and vehicles using internal <br />combustion engines shall be equipped with mufflers and air-inlet silencers, <br />where appropriate, in good operating condition that meet or exceed <br />original factory specifications. Mobile or fixed "package" equipment (e.g., <br />arc-welders, air compressors) shall be equipped with shrouds and noise <br />control features that are readily available for that type of equipment. <br /> <br />18. All mobile or fixed noise producing equipment used on the project, which <br />is regulated for noise output by a local, state, or federal agency, shall <br />comply with such regulation while in the course of project activity. <br /> <br />19. All material stockpiles and mobile equipment staging, parking, and <br />maintenance areas shall be located as far as practicable from noise <br />sensitive receptors. <br /> <br />20. The applicant shall locate fixed noise generating equipment as far from <br />noise sensitive land uses as practical to avoid unnecessary annoyance <br />from construction noise. <br /> <br />21. The hours of construction, including noisy maintenance activities, shall be <br />restricted to the periods and days permitted by the City of Santa Ana <br />Noise Ordinance. <br /> <br />22. The loudest construction activities, such as concrete breaking and jack <br />hammering, shall be limited to the middle of the day when the sensitivity to <br />such noises will be at its lowest. <br /> <br />23. Noise producing signals, including horns, whistles, alarms, and bells shall <br />be used for safety warning purposes only. <br /> <br />24. No project related public address or music systems shall be audible at any <br />adjacent receptor. <br /> <br />25. If complaints arise, the contractor shall initiate a construction noise- <br />monitoring plan to ensure the construction noise levels at the nearest <br />noise sensitive land uses are within the limits of the noise ordinance. <br /> <br />26. Use of temporary noise barriers shall be considered where project <br />activities and equipment is unavoidably close to noise sensitive receptors. <br /> <br />27. The use of on-site trailers and containers as temporary barriers between <br />any fixed construction noise source and nearby sensitive receptors shall <br />be used to avoid unnecessary annoyance from construction noise. <br /> <br />28. The proposed project will implement a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) to <br />be prepared, in consultation with the City of Santa Ana, prior to <br />construction. The TMP shall consist of prior notices, adequate sign- <br />postings, detours, and temporary driveways, if required. Adequate access <br />shall be maintained at all times to and from existing driveways serving <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2008-065 <br />Page 7 of8 <br />