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Orange County Conservation Corps <br />Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board <br />Request for Proposal <br />The Youth Service Provider Network <br />PY 2008/2009 <br />Carry-in: 6 0 0 0 6 <br />Total Served: 22 <br />The OCCC plans to recruit and enroll 13 WIA eligible participants before the end of the second <br />quarter of the program year. Therefore 80% of total new enrollments (13 of 16) for PY 2008-09 <br />will be enrolled before the end of the second quarter. The remaining 3 youth wilt be enrolled <br />before the end of the third quarter of the program year. Under this plan the OCCC will have <br />recruited and served 86% (19 of 22) of the total youth to be served for the program year by the <br />end of the second quarter, allowing sufficient time for youth to be served during the program <br />year. <br />The OCCC serves all youth, not just WlA-eligible youth. For the FY 2007-08, as of April 2008, the <br />OCCC served a total of 235 youth county-wide including 59 Santa Ana youth. 26 of the Santa <br />Ana youth (44%) were served using WIA funds. These 59 Santa Ana youth were recruited and <br />served through 4 OCCC funding sources; <br />• Santa Ana WIA; <br />• National Emergency Grant; <br />• Department of Conservation, Division of Recycling; <br />• OCCC contracts for those not meeting eligibility for the above 2 contracts. <br />To meet these contract demands the OCCC employs a variety of recruitment strategies. On the <br />April 2007 survey referenced above, corpsmembers were asked to list all the ways they have <br />heard or learned about the OCCC and listed the following; friends (26), Probation/Parole (15), <br />family (9), Community partners (6), walk-ins (2), job fairs (2), and street outreach (1). In <br />addition to the normal recruitment strategies of job fairs, partner networks, and presentations <br />to and referrals from local groups and organizations, the OCCC employs "street outreach" to <br />recruit out-of-school youth. Street outreach involves handing out flyers with the OCCC toll-free <br />telephone number (888.641.2677) and website address (www.hireyouth.or~), and interacting <br />with youth where youth "hang out" in Santa Ana such as parks, malls, food courts, week-end <br />community events, and sometimes walking local neighborhoods. Historically the OCCC's most <br />effective recruitment strategy has been referrals from former and current corpsmembers, their <br />family, and friends. <br />Describe collaborations/partnerships that will assist in recruitment. <br />The OCCC participates in more than 40 community events each year and attends a variety of <br />ongoing partner meetings with various agencies county-wide such as the O.C. Workforce <br />Investment Board, the Santa Ana WIA Providers Network and the Youth Leadership Academy. <br />Other agencies would include, but are not limited to, Corrections, Probation, and various Social <br />Services agencies both public and nonprofit such as Olive Crest. Therefore any staff member <br />attending a meeting with other agencies or provider networks (i.e. Corrections, Probation, <br />Social Services Agency) in other parts of the county will be recruiting for all OCCC programs <br />including Santa Ana WIA. It is not uncommon to get a referral from someone who attended an <br />Page 6 of 24 <br />