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<br />':,..) <br />.!.P. !,o.._'Ul:Jti" t11i1 ".111 <br /> <br />,~. .~ <br />".1 <br /> <br />r'~l). jllJ P.2 <br /> <br />sr A TE OF CALIFORNIA <br /> <br />Aqreemeot No. 4600003098 <br /> <br />This agreement Is entered inlo between the State of California, acting by and tI1rotigh the <br />DepartmentofWater Resources, (Slate) and Metropolitan Water Dlstrlct of Southem Callfomia <br />(Granme), <br /> <br />The State and Grantee agree alf follows: <br /> <br />seCTION 1. PURPose OF GRANT <br /> <br />This State Grant is made by tha Slale fa the Grantee to assist in financing an Urban Wal&r <br />Con$efValion Project pursuant to the California Safe Drinking Water, Clean Water, Watershed <br />Protection and Rood Prolectlon Act, (Chapter a (commencing with Section 79150) of DMslon 28 of <br />!tie California Water COde), Grant funds may b. used only a,s provided in this Agreement !'or such <br />Eligible Project Costs as set Forth In the Profect description and BUdqet. copies of Which are <br />incorporated herein and attached as Exhibit B, "Statement of Work & Tlme/lns" and Exhibit C. <br />"Budger. <br /> <br />SECTION 2. TERM OF STATE GRANT <br /> <br />The term of this Agreement Is From the date of execution of this agreement through <br />AprillS,2007. <br /> <br />SECTION 3. PROJECT COSTS <br /> <br />The Project Costs (identified In ExhIbit C) are estimated to be $2,851,633.00. <br /> <br />SECTION 4. STATE GRANT <br /> <br />Subject to the availability of funds, ths Slate will grant to the Grantee In accordance with the terms of <br />this Agreement an amolJnt not to exceed $1, nS,700.00 for EJlgibta Project Costs. <br /> <br />SeCTION 5. GRANTEE'S COST SHARE AMOUNT <br /> <br />The Grantee agraes to flJnd the dHTirence, If any;belWe8n the e.sllmated Project Cost (Section 3) <br />and Ihe Slate Grant (Section 4). Grantae's Costs are estlmeted to be $1.072,933:0a: <br /> <br />SECTION a.INCORPORATlON OF STANDARD CONDmONSAND GRANTEE COMMITMENTS <br /> <br />In addition to EWlfblls Band C, this agreament fncol'])Orates Exhibit A, 'Slandard Terms". The <br />Grantee accapts and agrel!lS to comply with all lelmS, provisions, conditions, and commitments of <br />this Agreement. Including all Incorporated documents, and to ftlltlf/ all assurances, declarations, <br />representations and statements made by the Grantea In the application, documents, amendments <br />and communications Illed In support of Ita request for tlnanclng. <br /> <br />SeCTION 7. CONDITIONS FOR DISBURSEMENT <br /> <br />The Grantee shall meet all condItions For disbursement 0' money under this Agreement, Including <br />the proVisions of Exh/bft A.a. Failure by Grantee to comply mey, at the optIon of the State, result In <br />termination of ths Agreement. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />RsvlS4d IG'27ill3 <br />