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<br />" <br />., <br />.~." <br />'l'.lc:...'Mt; 'J'l ,Itl [../0 <br /> <br />f :.. <br />'. ,,,i <br /> <br />:-10. Jli3 P..; <br /> <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />THE RESOURCES AGENCY <br />DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br />STANDARD TERMS <br />URBAN WATER CONSeRVATION CAPITAL OUTlAY GRANTS <br /> <br />Agreement No. 4600003098 <br /> <br />A-1. GOVERNING LAW; This Agreement is governed by and shall be Iniefpreted In accordance <br />with the laws of the Stale of Califomla. <br /> <br />A-2. TIMELINESS; TIme Is of the essence in thIs Agreement <br /> <br />A-3. AMENDMENT; This Agreement may be amended at any lime by mutual agteement of the <br />parties, except insofar a. any proposed amendments are In any way contrary to applicable law. <br />Requests by l/181 Grantee for amendments must be In wrttlng statlng the amendment request and the <br />reason for the request <br /> <br />A-4. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: This Agreement and all of Its provisions shall apply to and <br />bind the successOI'll and assigns of the parties hereto. No assignment or transfer of this Agreement' <br />or any part thel8Of, rights hereunder, or interest herein by tI181 Grantee shall be valid unless and until <br />it Is approved by the Stala and made subject to such reasonable terms and conditions as the Stele <br />may Impose <br /> <br />A-5. ELIGIBLE PROJECT COSTS: Grantee shaD apply Slate Grant funds received only to <br />Eligible Project Costs. Ellgibte ProJect Costs Include the rellllOnabfe and necessary costs associated <br />with a Project including, but not limited to, program costs or rebates; engineering, legal and <br />administrative fees: land and easement acquisition; environmental documentation: environmental <br />mftlgation and monitoring; and construction costs associated with the Project. <br /> <br />Costs that ara not eligible for relmburaement Include but are not limited to: <br />a) Coals lneUll'lld prior to execulfon of this agreement <br />b) Operation and melntenance costs, <br />c) Purchase of squlpment not..!'n integnsl pert of the PnoJect. . <br />d) Payment of principal or Interest of. existing indebtlldneSll or any Interest payment unless: <br />1. The State ag/'llt!llJ In writfng to the eligibility of the costs of reimbursement before the <br />debt Is Incurned: and <br />2. The purposes for which the debt is Incurred are otherwise eligible Project Cosm. <br />e) Establishing a reserve fund, <br />I) Purchase of waler supply for the Project. <br /> <br />A-8. CONDiTIONS FOR DISBURSEMENT: The Slate shag have no obligallon to disburse <br />money under this Agreement unless and until the Grantee has satisfied the State thet the <br />disbursement is In accordance with requirements of the Safe Drinking Water, Clean Water, <br />Watershed Protectfon, and Flood Protection Act, which inclUde: <br /> <br />(a) For ConstnJctlon Projects, the Grantee submits to the State, final plans and <br />speciilcatlons certHled by a CalifornIa Civil Engineer or squivalent <br />documentation as to compliance with the approved Proje<:t. <br /> <br />8 Revl8tid 10127103 <br />