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<br />'J I'. IJ~.l.JI,J.$ <br /> <br />, " <br />'J: [ Ut1\',/ . I4U <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />nO.JI8 <br /> <br />" -, <br />c.. <br /> <br />Agreement No. 460000J098 <br /> <br />(b) The Grantee submits a written statement by an authorized representative that It has <br />obtained all necessary pennits, easements, rights-<lf-way and approvals as may be <br />req ulred by other stat., federal, and/or focal agencies, as specifled in Sectlon 12 of lhfa <br />Agreement. <br /> <br />(c) The Ontotee demonstrates compllancawilh the California Environmental Quality Act and <br />the National EnVIronmental Polley Act by 3Ubmltllng copies of any enVIronmental <br />documents, InclUding environmental Impact reports, environmental Impact statements, <br />negative declarations, mltlgatlon agreements, legal nollces and environmental permits <br />as may be required prior to beginning the Project. <br /> <br />(d) The Grnntee submits ~mely periodic progress reports as required by Section 8 of this <br />Agreement. <br /> <br />(e) The Grantee demonstrate. continuing availability of sufflclent funds to complete the <br />Project. <br /> <br />A-7. STATE GRANT DISBURSEMENTS: <br /> <br />(a) COlIt Statements; After the Conditions for Disbursement, Sectfon A.a, are met, the Stale will <br />disburse the whole or porl/ons of the Slate Grant comm/tmentto the Grnntee following receipt from <br />tile Grantse of a statement or statsrnents of Incurred Eligible Project Costs, reviewed by the <br />Grantee's designated representative, and timely progr9sa reports all required by Section 8 of this <br />Agreement Requests for Stale Grant funds shall be tiled quarterly or for such periods as the State <br />and the Grantee may mutually agree. The Grantee shall provide lI1e following infonnation: <br /> <br />(1) A statement of the incurred Eligible Project COllta for work pertbnned under the <br />Agreement during the periOd Identified In the parllcutar statement and which matches the BUdget In <br />Exhibit C and tasks in Exhibit B. <br /> <br />(2) A statement of the cost of any Interests in real property (land or essaments) that have <br />been necessarilv acquIred for the Project during the pertod ldenti1led In the particuler statement for <br />the ImplernentaUon of the Project. <br /> <br />The Grantee shall submit IwQ (2) copie.l of each stalsment of coat to the Program Menager, <br />Department of Walsr Resciureeli;'p.O. Box 942838, Sacramento, CA 94236 anct submit one (1) <br />c~ of each Invoice simultaneously to DWR Accounting Offlce, Contracts Payable Unit, P.O. Box <br />942838, Sacramento, CA 94236 a/ong with supporting documentation to the Stats with each <br />quarterly progress report. Statement of Costs shall be submitted In arrears, bearing the agreement <br />number, . <br /> <br />(b) Disbursement Following the review and approval of each Statsmen! of Costs, the State win <br />dlsbursalo the Grantee the amount approved, subject to the avalrabJlltyoffunds through the State's <br />normal proCedures. Funds will be disbursed by the Stale In response to each approved Slalsment <br />of Costs on a pro rata basis In accordance with the relative payment obligations of the Grantee, <br />Sect/on 5 of this Agreement, and the Slate, Sectlon 4 of thla Agreement for the Project Coslll, <br />Section 3 of this Agreemen l Any and all money disbul'lled to the Grantee under this Agreement and <br />any and all interest eamed by the Grantee on .such money sha' be used so/aly to pay ERg/ble <br />Project Costs. <br /> <br />7' <br /> <br />Revised 1007'103 <br />