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<br />i) <br />1!'.l.C.,.Uf:> '):I'..t'1" ,I.IJ <br /> <br />) <br />..,~ <br /> <br />ilO.318 <br /> <br />P. ill <br /> <br />Agreement No. 46000030S8 <br />Failtnlt or refusal by the Grantee to comply with this provision shall be considered a <br />substantial failure to comply with this Agreement. and ths Slats may eled to puraue any <br />remedies provided In Article A-5 or rake any other action it deems necessary to protect its <br />interesllf. <br /> <br />A-12. CLAIMS DISPUTE CLAUSE: Any claim Ihat the Grantee may have regarding the perlormance <br />of this agreement Including, but not limited to, claims for addltlonal compensation or extension of <br />time, shaD be submitted to the Director, Department of Water Resources, within thirty (30) days of <br />Ihe Grantee's knowledge of the claim. Slate and Grantes shall then altllmpt to negotfate a <br />resolullon of such claim and process an amendment to lhis Agreement to implement the terms of <br />any such resolution. <br /> <br />A-13.REMEDles NOT EXCLUSIVE: The use by either party of any remedy specifled herein for the <br />el)forcemsnt of this agreement Is not exclusive and Shall not deprlvethe party using such remedy of; <br />or limit the appllcatfon at any other remedy proVided by law. <br /> <br />A-14,STATE TO BE HELD HARMLESS: The Grantse agrees to IndemnItY the State and Its <br />afllcem, agenl:ll. and employees against and to hold tile same free and harmless from any and all <br />claims, demands, damages, rOSSEllI, costs, expenses, or lIabiflty due or Inddent to:either in whole or <br />in part. and whether directly or indirectly, arising out of the Project. <br /> <br />A-15.1NSPECTION OF BOOKS, RECORDS, AND REPORTS: During regularofflce houra, each of <br />the parties hereto and thslr duly authcrtzed representatlvss shall have ths right to Inspsct and to <br />make copies of any books, records, or reports of either party pertaining to this Agreement or matters <br />rehlled hereto. Each of the partfe\l hereto shall malnlain and shail make available at aU dmes for <br />such inspection acclIrate recOltls of all Its costs, dlsburaements, and receipts with respect to its <br />aotfVil/84 underthla Agreement FaMure or refusal by the Grantee to complywl1h this provision shall <br />be conll/dllr9d a substantl8/ faUUI1!l to comply wI1h this Agreement and the Slate may withhold <br />disbursements to the Grantee or lake any other action It deeme necessary to protect Its Interests. <br /> <br />A-18.1NSPECTlONS OF PROJECT BY STATE: The State shall have the right to Inspect the work <br />being perfonned at any and aU reasonable lime. during the term of the Agreement ThIs right shall <br />extend to any subcontracts, and the Grantee shaH Include provisions ensuring euch access in all Its <br />contracts or sllbcontracts entel1!ld Into pursuant to Its Agreement with the Stete. <br /> <br />A-17. PROHIBITION AGAINS'fOISPOSAL OF PROPERTY WITHOUT STATE PERMIsSION: The <br />Grantee shall not sell, abandon,lease, transfer, exchange, mortgage, hypothecate, or encumber In <br />any manner whatsoever all or any portion of any real or other property necessarily connected or <br />used In conjunction wI1h the Project, orwl1h the Grantee's service atwater, without prior permission <br />of the State. The Grantee shall not take any actfon. Including but not Umlted to actfons relating to <br />user fees, charges, and assessments lhat could adversely affect the ablllly of the Grantee to meet <br />Its obligations under this Agreement, without prior written permission of the State, The State may <br />require that ths proceeds from tile dlsposftlon of any rea' or personal property be remitted to the <br />Slats to be applied to the Grantee's Indebtedness under thIs Agreement <br /> <br />A-IS.NO THIRD PARTY RIGHTS: The parties to this Agreement do not Intend to create rights in. or <br />grant remedIes to, any third party as a benel/clary of this Agreement, or of any duly, covenant, <br />obllgatlon or undertaking established hel1!lln. <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br />Reviud 10127103 <br />