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<br />.t j'. t.!..~Ulf) <br /> <br />'J: t~~FI1 . ...""tJD <br /> <br />i <br />,,' <br /> <br />rK),31B <br /> <br />PcJ <br /> <br />Agreement, No, 48000030118 <br />(d) Audit Reaulrernent: Pursuant to Government Code Sedlon 8546.7, the contracting <br />parties ~all be sub/ect to the examination and audit of the State for a period of three (3) years after <br />anal payment under this Agreement with respect to all mattars connected with the perfofmance of <br />this Agreement. inCludIng but nollimited to, the cosl of administering this Agreement. All 'records of <br />the Grantee or subcontractors shall be preserved for this purpose for at least three (3) years after <br />complellon of the Project. <br /> <br />(a) Comoetltfve BlddlnO of Contracts and Procurements: Grantee shall comply with all <br />applicable laws and regulations regarding securing competitfve bids and undertaking compe!ftlve <br />negotiations in Grantee's contracts with other enUties for acqulsitlon of goods. and services and <br />consl1ucllon 01 publlo works with funds provided by the Slate under this Agreement <br /> <br />in Flnallnsoectlon and Certfllcation of Reaistered Clva Enoineer (Construction Prolectsl: <br />Upon complellon of the Projeclthe Grantee shall provide for a final InspscUon and certlflcation by iii <br />Callfomia Registered CIVIl Engineer that the Project has been completed in accordance With <br />submitte(j IInal pfans and speciflcatJons and any modllloalfons thereto and In accordance with this <br />Agreement The Grantee shall MUIY the Offlce of Water Use Efficiency of the Department of Water <br />Resources of the Inspection dais at leest f 0 days prior to thelnspectJon in order to provide the Slala <br />the opportunity to participate in the JnspecBon. <br /> <br />A-I f.ACCOUNTING AND DEPOSIT OF GRANT DISBURSEMENT: <br />(a) Secarate Accounlfno of Slate Grant DIsbursements and tnterest Records <br /> <br />The Grantee shall account for the money disbursed pursuant to this Agreement separately <br />from all other Grantee's funds. The Grantee shall maintain audit and accounting procedures that <br />are in accordance With generally accepted accounBng prlnclples and practices. consistently appBed. <br />The Gr.mtee shall keep complete and accurate records of all receipts, disbursements, and Interest <br />eamed on expenditure. of sUGh funds. The Grantee shall require Its contractors or subcontractors <br />to malntilln books. records, and other documents pertinent to their work In accordance with <br />generally acceplad accounting princlples and pracllces. Records are subject to Inspection by the <br />Stste at any and all reasonabte Umes. <br /> <br />(b) DlsDOBItJon of Monev DIsbursed <br /> <br />All money disbursed pursuant to this Agreement shall be deposited. administered. and <br />accounted for pursuant to the el'DVlsions of applJcable law. <br />.....- <br />(c) Remittance of Unexoanded Funds <br /> <br />The Grantee, within a period of thirty (30) days from the IInal disbursement from the Slate <br />to the Gnmtee 01 Slate Grant funds, shall remit to the Slate any unexpended funds that were <br />disbursed to th& Grantee under this Agreement and were not needed to pay Eligible Project <br />Costs. . <br /> <br />(d) Interim and Final Audits <br /> <br />The Slate reserves the right to conduct an audit at any lfme between the execution of this <br />Agreement and the completion of the Project, with the costs of such audit borne by the Slats. <br />After completion of the Project. the State may requIre the Grantee to conduct a flnal audit. at the <br />Grantee's expense, such audit to be conducted by and a report pnspared by an Independent <br />Certlffell P1JbllcAccountent <br /> <br />9 <br /> <br />RovlstHi 10127trJ3 <br />