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<br />() <br />fl'.k..):'"'' '):t;,iM . :1>10 <br /> <br />f ' '~~ <br />....1 <br /> <br />m,JtB <br /> <br />P.t2 <br /> <br />Agreement No, 4600003098 <br /> <br />1. Demand the State Grant be immediately repaid. with Interest. which shaH be equal <br />to the State ot Calltomla general obligation bond interest rate in effect at the tll'lltl <br />ot the default; <br /> <br />2. Terminate any objlgatlon to maks I'Utum payments to the Grantee; <br /> <br />3, TermInate the Agreement; and <br /> <br />4. Take any other action that It deema necessary to protect Its Interests. <br /> <br />(c)The Grantee agnsesll1at any remedy provided In thia Agreement ialn addition to and not <br />in derogation ot anyolher legal or equitable remedy avellable to the State as a result of a breach of <br />this AQreement by the Gran tee, wf1ether such breach occurs befont or after completion of the <br />Pro~ . <br />(d)No waiver by the State of any breach or default win be a waiver of any breach or default <br />occun1l1g later. A waiver will be valid only it signed by the Slate or ite authorized agent <br /> <br />A-26. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: <br />(a) Cunent State Emolovees: <br />(1) No State ortfcer ar employee shall engage In any employment. actMty or <br />enterprise from wf1lch the ofllcer or employee receives compensation or has a t1nanclallnterest and <br />wf11ch IS sponsol'ltd or funded by any Slate agency, unless the amployment, actIVIty or anterprise is <br />requll'ltd as a condition ot regular Slate employment. <br />(2) Na Slate officer or employee shan contract on hie or her own behalf as an <br />independent contractol' with any Slate agency to pr0vfd8 gooda or services. <br /> <br />(b) Former State Emolovees: . <br />(1) For the two year period from the data he or shelelt Slam employment, no former <br />Slate offlcar or emplayee may enter Into a contract In wf1lch he or she engaged In any ot the <br />negotiations, transsc:tlons, plannIng, arrangemente or any part of the declalon-maklng process <br />relllYant to the contract while employed 111 any capacity by any State agency. <br />, (2) For the lwe/vlHllOnth period from the date he or she left State employment, no <br />former State offlcer or employee may enter Into a contract with any Stete agency If "e or she was <br />employed by li1at State agency-1tI apollcy-maklng posi1lon 1'11/1e same general subject al'ltS as the <br />proposed contract within lI1e twelve-month period prior to hi. or her leaving State Service <br /> <br />A-27.WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAUSE: The Grantee afflrmll that it is awant at tha <br />provisions ot Section 3700 of the CalifornIa LaborCode, which require everyemp/oyer to be insured <br />119l1lnst Rablllty for workers' compensation or to undertake self-Insurance In accordance with the <br />provisions ot that code, and the Grantee affilTl1$ that it wiD comply with such provisions befont <br />commencing the performance ot the work under this Agreement and win make Ita contractors and <br />subcorrtractors awel'll of this provlsfon. <br /> <br />A-28.AMERICANS WITH DISABILiTIES ACT: By signIng this Agreement. Grantee assul'lls the <br />State that It comp"es with !ha Amerlc:ans with DissbiUtles Act (ADA) of 1990, (42 U.S,C. 12101 et <br />seq.), wf1lch prohIbits discrimination on the basIS of disability, as waR as an applicable regulatlons <br />and guidelines IsllUed pursuant to the ADA. <br /> <br />12 <br /> <br />R.vlUd1tY.l7An <br />