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<br />.' "'. <br />i } <br />'.',.v' <br /><I.i'<I,:.~,<<.Jj '):1."1'1'1 ~<\'JO <br /> <br />".'1, <br />t ~ <br />'J <br /> <br />~IO.318 <br /> <br />P.1J <br /> <br />A-29. DRUG-FREE WO~KPLACE CERTIFICATION: <br />(a) CfJrtifleaUon of ComOllance <br />By signing this Agreement, the Grantee, its conlnlctors or subcontractors hereby certlfy under <br />penally ot pe~lJry under lhelaws at the State at Califomia compliance with the requirements at the <br />Drug-Free Wolkplace Act of 1990 (Government Code 8350 et seq.) and have or willlJl'Ovfde a drug. <br />free wOlkplace by taking the following acllons: <br />1. Publish a statement notJMng employees, contractors and subcontractors that <br />unlawful manufacture, dlstl1bulfon, dlspenliatlon. possessIon. or use of a controlled substance is <br />prohibited and specilyfng acllons to be taken against employees, contractors or subcontractors for <br />VIolations, as required by Govemment Code SecUon 8355(a}, <br />2. Establish a Drug-Free Awarenell8 Program, as requIred by Government Code <br />Section 6355(b) to inform employees. contractors and subcontractors about all ot the follOWing: <br />(a)The dangers o( drug abuse In the wotkplace, <br />(b)The Grantee's policy of malnteining a drug-free wolkplaca, <br />(c)Any aVIiI/labla counsalinq. rehabllltallon and employee asslstai1ce programs. and <br />(d) Pllnaltles that may be Imposed upon employees. contractors or SlJbcOn!ractors <br />(or drug abuse violations. <br />3. Provide, as required by Government Code Sectlon 8355(c), that every employee, <br />contractor and subconlnlctor who walks under this Agreement <br />(a) Will receive a copy of the Granlae's drug-fi"ee policy statament, and <br />(b) Will agree to abide by tarrnl5 of the Grantee's condItion of employm6n~ contract <br />or subcontract <br />(b) SUSOIlns/on of I"svrnents: This Agreement or Sliite Grant may be subject to suspension o( <br />pSyrTllfnts or tarmInEUlon, or both, and the Grantee may be subject to debarment If the Department <br />determines !hat <br />1 . The Grantee, its contractors or subcontractors have made a falsa cerlfflcatlon, or; <br />2. Grantee. it!I contractors or subcontractors violates the certification by failing to <br />carry out the requirements noted above. <br /> <br />A-30. NON DISCRIMNATlON CLAUSE; Ourfng the performance o(thls Agreement, the Grantee. its <br />contractors and subcontractors shell not deny the Conlnlct's beneflts to any person on the basis of <br />religion, coICr, ethnic group Idantl1lcatlon, sax, age, physical or mental dlsablHty, nor shall they <br />dIscriminate unlawfully against any employee or applicant forernployment because of race. religion, <br />color, naUonsl origin, ancestry, physical handicap. mental disability, medical condlllon, marttal <br />stetus, age, or sex. The Granq,e shell Insure that the evaluation and treatment of employees and <br />applicants for employment are treeof such dlscrfmlnation. <br /> <br />The Glllntee, Its con1rllctors and subcontractors shalf comply with the provisions of the Fair <br />Empfoyment and Housing Act (Government Code, Section 12900 et saq.), the regulations <br />promulgated Ihereunder (California Code of Regulations, TItle 2, Section 7285.0 et saq.), the <br />provisions of Article 9.5, Chapter 1. Part 1, OMslon 3, TItle 2 of the GOVllmmant Code (Oovemment <br />Code, Sections 11135-11139.5) and tha regulations or standards adopted by the awarding Stale <br />Agency to Implement such article. <br /> <br />The Grantee, its contractors and subconlnlctors shall give written notice of their obligations <br />under thIs clause to labor organizations with which they have a collective bargainIng or other <br />agreemen~ <br /> <br />The Grantee shall Include tha nondIscrimination and compliance provlslons of this clause In all <br />contracts and subcontracts to perform walk under the Agreement. <br /> <br />Agrsement No. 4600003098 <br /> <br />13 <br /> <br />Revf&ed 1t:V271l13 <br />