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<br />c \ <br />'.j <br /> <br />..........'l;. <br />(,j <br /> <br />Agreement 4600004214 <br />Water Use Efficiency Grant <br />Residential High Efficiency Clothes Washer Rebate Program <br /> <br />SECTION 6. I NCORPORA TION OF STANDARD CONDITIONS AND GRANTEE <br />COMMITMENTS <br /> <br />In addilfon to Exhibits Band C. this Agreement incorporates Exhibit A, "Standard Terms'. <br />The Grantee accepts and agrees to comply with all terms, provisions, conditions, and <br />commitments of this Agreement. including all incorporated documents. and to fulfill all <br />assurances, declarations, representations and statements made by the Grantee in the <br />Application, documents, amendments and communications filed in support of its request for <br />financing. <br /> <br />SECTION 7. CONDITIONS FOR DISBURSEMENT <br /> <br />The Grantee shall meet aU conditions for disbursement of money under this Agreement, <br />including the provisions of Exhibit A-6. Failure by Grantee to comply may, at the option of <br />the State, result in termination of the Agreement. <br /> <br />SECTION 8. PROGRESS REPORTS AND STATEMENT OF COSTS <br /> <br />The Grantee shall submit Quarterlv progress reports, January 15, April 15, July 15, and <br />October 15, on the status of the Project and a Statement of Costs to the Department of <br />Water Resources. The submittal and approval by the State of these reports is a requirement <br />for continued disbursement of State Grant funds. Progress reports shall summarize the work <br />completed during the reporting period, include a statement of progress toward completion <br />compared to the Project schedule, and provide a comparison of costs to date compared to <br />the approved scope of work and Project budget. <br /> <br />SECTION 9. FINAL REPORTS <br /> <br />The Grantee shall submit a Draft Final Report on Project completion or termination and <br />expenditures for the State's review and comment. The Draft Final Report shall be modified <br />to incorporate the State's comments, if any, and resubmitted, as Final Report within sixty <br />(60) days of the Grantee's receipt of the State's comments. The Grantee shall also submit <br />post-completlon Annual Reports and Updates. Reports will follow the format requirements <br />set forth in Exhibit B, Attachment 1. <br /> <br />SECTION 10. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF "CONSTRUCTION" PROJECT <br /> <br />In consideration of the State Grant, the Grantee agrees, for the useful life of the Project, to <br />expeditiously commence and to continue operation 'of the Project and shall cause the Project <br />to be operated in an efficient and economical manner; shall provide for all repairs, renewals, <br />and replacements necessary to the efficient operation of the Project; and shall cause the <br />Project to be maintained in as good and efficient condition as upon its construction, ordinary <br />and reasonable wear and depreciation excepted. Refusal of the Grantee to operate and <br />maintain the Project in accordance with this provision may, at the option ofthe State, be <br />considered a material breach of Agreement and may be treated as default under default <br />provisions Exhibit A-25. <br /> <br />3 <br />