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<br />) <br />,/ <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />Agreement 4600004214 <br />Water Use Efficiency Grant <br />Residential High Efficiency Clothes Washer Rebate Program <br /> <br />SECTION H. RELATIONSHIPS OF PARTIES <br /> <br />The Grantee. rts contractors. subcontractors, and their respective agents and employees <br />required for performing any work under this Agreement shall act in an independent capacity <br />and not as officers, employees. or agents of the State. <br /> <br />The Grantee is solely responsible for planning and implementation of the Project. Review or <br />approval of plans, specifications, bid documents or other construction documents by the <br />State is solely for the purpose of proper administration of State Grant funds and shall not be <br />deemed to relieve or restrict the Grantee's responsibility. <br /> <br />SECTION 12. PERMITS, LICENSES, APPROVALS AND LEGAL OBLIGATIONS <br /> <br />The Grantee shaD be responsible for obtaining any and all permits, licenses and approvals <br />required for performing any work under this Agreement. including those necessary for <br />planning and implementing the Project. The Grantee shall be responsible for complying with <br />all applicable federal, State and local laws, rules or regulations affecting any such work, <br />specifJcally including, but not limited to, environmental, labor, procurement and safety laws, <br />rules, regulations and ordinances. <br /> <br />SECTION 13. GRANTEE'S RESPONSIBILITIES FOR WORK <br /> <br />The Grantee shall be responsible for work and for persons or entities engaged in work. <br />including. but not Jlmited to, subcontractors, suppliers and providers of services. The <br />Grantee shaH give personal supervision to any work required under this Agreement or <br />employ a competent representative, satisfactory to the State, with the authority to act for the <br />Grantee. The Grantee or its authorized representative shall be present while work is in <br />progress. The Grantee shall be responsible for any and all disputes arising out of its <br />contracts for work on the Project. including but not limited to bid disputes and payment <br />disputes with the Grantee's contractors and subcontractors. The State will not mediate <br />disputes between the Grantee and any other entity conceming responsibility for performance <br />of work. <br /> <br />SECTION 14. PROJECT OFFICIALS AND NOTICES <br /> <br />The Chief, Office of Water Use Efficiency and Transfers, Department of Water Resources, <br />shall be the State's representative and shall have the authority to sign Agreement and <br />amendments to the Agreement, if needed, and to make determinations with respect 10 each <br />controversy or discrepancy arising under or in connection with the interpretation, <br />performance, or payment for work performed under this Agreement. <br /> <br />The Grantee Project Director shall be An'!,.~w 11..< <br />The Grantee Project Director shall be the Grantee's representative for the administration of <br />Ihe Agreement and shall have full authority to act on behalf of the Grantee. including <br />authority to execute all payment requests. All communications given to the Project Director <br />shall be as binding as if given to the Grantee. <br /> <br />4 <br />