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<br />i\ <br />\. .>? <br /> <br />I) <br /> <br />Agreement 4600004214 <br />Water Use Efficiency Grant <br />Residential High Efficiency Clothes Washer Rebate Program <br /> <br />(c) The Grantee demonstrates compliance with the California Environmental <br />Quality Act and the National Environmental Policy Act by submilling copies of <br />any environmental documents, including environmental impact reports, <br />environmental impact statements, negative declarations, mitigation <br />agreements, legal notices and environmental pennits as may be required prior <br />to beginning the Project. <br /> <br />(d) The Grantee submits timely progress reports, annual reports, and annual <br />updates as required by Section 8 of this Agreement. <br /> <br />(e) The Grantee demonstrates continuing availability of sufficient funds to complete <br />the Project. <br /> <br />A.7. STATE GRANT DISBURSEMENTS: <br /> <br />(a) Cost Statements: After the Conditions for Disbursement, Section A-6, are met, <br />the State will disburse the whole or portions of the State Grant commitment to <br />the Grantee foHowing receipt from the Grantee of a statement or statements of <br />incurred Eligible Project Costs, reviewed by the Grantee's designated <br />representative, and timely progress reports as required by Section 6 of this <br />Agreement. Requests for State Grant funds shall be filed quarterly or for such <br />periods as the State and the Grantee may mutually agree. The Grantee shall <br />provide the following infonnation: <br /> <br />(1) A statement of the incurred Eligible Project Costs for work perfonned <br />under the Agreement during the period identified in the particular <br />statement and which matches the Budget in Exhibit C and tasks in <br />Exhibit B. <br /> <br />(2) A statement of the cost of any Interests in real property (land or <br />easements) that have been necessarily acquired for the Project during <br />the period Identified in the particular statement for the implementation of <br />the Project. <br /> <br />The Grantee shall submit two (2) copies of quarterly progress reports and <br />2 copies of statement of costs associated with work accomplished during that <br />quarter, as well as 2 copies of invoice to the: <br /> <br />Project Manager <br />Department of Water Resources <br />Office of Water Use EffICiency and Transfers <br />901 P Street, Room 313A <br />P.O. Box 942836 <br />Sacramento, CA 94236-0001 <br /> <br />B <br />