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Premises caused or pe;rnaittecl by `I'1/NA~iT or TLNAN"1` Parties, or enter into any s€;ttlernent <br />agreenien_t, consent c}ecree or other con~protnisa with any tavernn~erltal ar giasi-gc~vcrnmc;zttal entity <br />r~~`ithortt first. obtaining the prior c4°rittan consent of L)IS~['RICT. Ail. ~vc~rk pcr:farancd or caused to (ac <br />performed by `l`~€~AU'1' as provided far above shall be done in good and workmanlike matraner and iat <br />can~phan:,e with plans, spccihcatians, permits, and other requirenl€:nts far such 4vor approved by <br />D1STRIC.T, <br />D. lncle2n,nafcation oa• 1`larardous ~Ylateriats. To the fullest extent permitted by la~v, '1'11i~~11~1'1' hereby <br />agrees to indeannify, hold harn~less, protect and defend (•~ti~ih attorney(s) approved in writing bJ' <br />DISTRICT] I)1S'1'121~"i' and t`'aunty, their elected alfic<tls, officers, e;mplayc;es, a;~4nts, and <br />independent contractors and the Premises, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages <br />{including, lxat not limited to, damages far the foss or restriction of use. ot'rentablc err usable space ar <br />arty aanenity of the Prcmise;s or danaagcs arising from. any advc>rse impact on marketing aarci dinrinution <br />in tl~e value: of t}rt> Premises), judgments, fines, demands, cfaints, recoveries, deficiencies, casts and <br />expenses {including, but not la'naited to, reasonable attorney fees, disbursements and coeart costs and all <br />other prol'essianal or consultant cxpettses}, ~~°frether foreseeable ar unforeseeable, arisrrrg dirc;ctly or <br />indirectly out of tl~c, presence, use, ~~erreraton, storage, treatment, on or off=site disposal or <br />transportation of Narardous 1~~lateri4rls on, into, fi•am, under ar about the Premises by `f'~Nr1t~`T or <br />TCNr~NT l~artics. "I'lte foregoing indernrrity shall also specifically include tlrc cost of'any required ar <br />necessary repair, restoration, clean-rrp or detoxification ofthc. Premises an.dlc~r the blood C'ontral <br />twh=rnnel anal the prc}3aratian o:Fany closure or other required lzlans. <br />lq. BFST i'4IAN.~~EiYlil4~N']' PRAiC".TIC#~;S (t'"11<tf~ 1 1.25) <br />'Cliv't,~1T and all of i'Ei'~tAyT`S, seibtenants, agents, employees .and contractors shall. cantfuct opcratic~ns <br />under this Lease so as to assrare that pallutrrnts da not enter municipal storm. drain systems w°hi4h systc;nxs <br />arc comprised of, but are not limitc;d to curbs and gutters drat are part of the street. systems ("Stornr~vatc.r <br />l)raimage System"), and to ensure that pollutants da not directly impact "Receiving Waters" (as used <br />herein, Recc;iving t~4'aters include, but arc not finrited to, rivers, creeks, strraans, estuaries, lakes, harbors, <br />bays and oceans). <br />The Santa ulna and San Diego Regional Water (luality C'orrtrol Boards Nava isseaed National Pollutant <br />Discharge Elimination System permits ("Stornr~vater Pem~its") to the C~attnty offlrartge, and. to the <br />()aaalge C'arrnty Flood C'ontrot District and cities within Orange C"ourtty, as ca-pe:r~tittecs (hereiatafier <br />caflectively refcrreci to as "C`ounty Parties") ~vhic:h regulate the c}iseharge of urban. naaaoff frarn arcc~s <br />~vithiat the C'acanty oft3range, including the Pa•emiscs lc;ascci under this Lease. Tlae C`attnty Parties have <br />enacted water yuatity ardinanc;cs that prohibit carrcfitions Find rtctivities that may result irr pafluted a•tarral'f <br />being daschar~;cd itrt€~ the Starm~vatex Dran~tgc System. <br />To assure con~pfiance with the Storm~vater Permits and ~vatcya' quality ordinances, tl~e t;~ounty Par•tics have <br />developed a Drainage area 4lrrnaagemcxrt Plan (t)t~MP} wlYicll ittclttdes a Local lntple:mentatiaar Plan <br />(L,IP) far each jurisdiction That contains Best Manageanent Practices (1~i1+1I's) that paa-ties using prvpertics <br />svtfain Orang:; C'aua~ty must adhere ta. As aseci herein, a Bi!IP is defined as a technique, n~e;aserre, ar <br />stnaetural con.trc31 that. is ctsti;d far a g~~•en set. of cartditians to manage the quantity anc[ inapravc the quality <br />of'storm~vatcr runoff ia~ a cast effective manrrcr. These f311~1Ps ztre found within the C'arintv's l.fP in the <br />SitxSttt r~~r€i ~Ri~~cr{"E~s«t~ci(EJI-Rr35i) <br />I~cana Park Lt•awt (R(~,i'' ,t),2+).(15; ~) <br />20D-13 <br />