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~.,~.`~ Prohletns in the "T ri I c;ch Software arc eaused by ane or Wrote cornputct <br />v~ir~uses that l~at~tve~ not bee_u intr<>dcrced irate? Client's ;tisicrra hw~'TriTc~ch. Client shall tr~taintain up to <br />date virus chcckrra,~~ software atul shall cheek all sitft~~ <arL rct:ei~ cd from Tri"I~ech or anv other <br />pcrsijra i~r eniitr fear ti iruses l~cforc: inta-oducin~ that soft~varc; iratca away Mari of tlae CAI7 System. if <br />desired tare Cliexat, ~I-ri`I'ech will pro~~ide L-pdatc;s ora nac:dia rather than direct tlow~nlo~aclin~~ to <br />facilitate this virtrs c}aeckitav~. If; clesl~ite such. check, a virus is introduced by TriTecla, Tri~1'ceh <br />will provide a virus-free copy of" the I~ri I ech So}tw~are, aaad will. at its expense, reload said <br />soit~~are {hut not C'}ierat's data) on Client's I:'cluipment. C}lent shall be responsible ftrr reltaadir~~7 <br />its data and, to tht~at end, shall practice reasonable hack-up procedures for the CAU system. <br />.>.Ea Prob}ems in the 'I ri'T`ech Software are caused by Subcontractor Softw°are <br />or System Soliwarc. including but not limited to operating system software. <br />?.>. ; Problems in il-re TriTi;c}a Solt~vare are caused lav lack of Year ?0(?{i <br />Compliance of hardw~arc, ~t~ntivare, sottw~ar~, data or other t~acilit.ics n~aanufactured, developed <br />andlor othcr~,vise provided b}- Client or third parties, including buC not limited. to ~;c~uipnaent, <br />Subcuniractor- Sow°are or I-larcT~vare, or System Sot~ware. <br />7. 5.~ Problems in the Tri'T`ech Saft.tivare are carrsed by Equipnaent or softtiv~~trc <br />provided b~~ C`lient or third paa-ties with which the TriTcc}a Software interf-trees or operates <br />(itaclttclin~.; but not limited to Stabctantractiar Soft~~are or Hzardware or System Software), <br />incltrdin~7 but not htnited to problems caused t~~~ ehanr,;LS in srrch Ec}uiptxt~nt or softw°are. <br />'.-T If, at any tune after inst~illatitm of the S}'stem, C.`Iient desires to load ora a <br />~t~'orkstation any software taot proti~ided by T'ri'I'ech, it shall, before loaditag such software, follow <br />the procedures ita tlae then ctra•rent Client Support Sct`i'i~i5 ~1<anual. trntl contact tllc I-riTech <br />Tee}araical Set-~~rees I}epartmerat at the. telephotae taurn}>ers listed in ,~ddenduna I3 for assistance as <br />reyuiri;d. Such action shall not eonstitr~te apprc-v3L, er;press or implied, fr>r the loading ol` <br />specific sofh~•are on a LYurkstation, nor an~~ e;~pre~ss ar implied tvarrant~~, representation or <br />ather obligation by 'I'ri'T'ech with respect to snch software, including but not Limited to its <br />suitabilit~a, operabilit~° yr capabilit~~ CQ meet Client's needs or expectations. Client agrees <br />that if'tlae loadin~~ of such. third party software degrades the performance caf tlae System, Client <br />shall immediately uninstal} such software. f'lient shall absolve, discharge and release TriTeeh <br />fi-otn <any o17hA~ations or liabilities related to c>pi;ratit>n or pcrftartnancc oft}ae Systc:tm, the "frfTech <br />Softer-are. Subcontractor Software, or any other- item provided by TriTech rander ibis ~greLmeut, <br />inchtditag but not Iirnited to any liabilities for damages related thereto in connection with the <br />installation <:rf such third party software. <br />7.5 TriTech Sof"t~~°are Support under this ~ygz-ecaaaent, or tiny retaewal car exteaasiata <br />thereof, shall not iaaelude desi~~m, cnginLering, programming, testing, in~L~lcmentatii~n or ether <br />services rc;ndercd necessary by changes in Subcontractor Software, System Soiiwarc or <br />Fyuipnaerat, or in any other hardware, firrn~vare or softu-arc: provitlccl by third parties or Client <br />('T'hird Portz (_'laan`~cs'•}. ;~n~w such scryices shad he sttbcct to additional charges by 'CriTech <br />and tlae mutual a~,recrne_ni of'the p<aa-ties pis tc, tine ter•nas anti conditions under ~~~hich such services <br />arc rent}orcd. :-yb}s4rit sot;}a aW;rcenaent, "I'ri"I`ech shall be under no obligation, express or implied, <br />with ri:sl~t'ct to such Tlaird Party ~`han_~es, <br />ti;r ~t:A~:aFiri i7 jasst=,eal Snftw~src5u~~+~.* ~R_rectt>en> <br />4' ~ ?i3i iS Sri ac~.~ `, +a~YUrc S vare~,y _. & {°t'D ;~-twrv <br />! ~; t ~. - •, _~ .~? tiryflc, ~ ac c~y~ = fn tai+> ~„ ,:e L ni cd tiCitcc <br />P,< -, . _. <br />250-8 <br />