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• Attendance Sign In/Out Sheets- help monitor retention rate and overall <br />interest of subject matter for each class. <br />• Case management: is essential to the program's success and managing of <br />performance goals for each participant in the program. From initial <br />enrollment, participants are evaluated and assigned specific goals to reach for <br />any given class period. <br />• One to one adult mentoring (12 -months): Students are matched with an <br />appropriate mentor who will assist the case manager with monitoring goals <br />and activities related to the program. They will maintain weekly meetings and <br />provide weekly written evaluation of the progress/performance of each <br />mentee. <br />• Adult Volunteers: provide additional support and assistance to participants. <br />These may be in the form of adult volunteers who serve as tutors for basic <br />skills deficient students, to monitor program activity or as peer <br />volunteers/leaders who develop valuable relationships with youth participants. <br />4 Describe how applicant plans to deliver academic assistance to raise the <br />skill level of vouth who are basic skill deficient. <br />Project RYTMO has incorporated a innovative service to deliver academic <br />assistance to youth for 2008-2009. <br />One on one tutorinp, services to youth who are basic skills deficient, will allow <br />participants to receive academic assistance -1 -hour prior to each scheduled <br />class/per week. Since the premise of the program is to utilize music and art as <br />a vehicle for educational development in all areas of learning, we will include <br />numeric assistance throuyh instruction from volunteer tutors who use hip- <br />hop/rap beats to solve certain math equations. <br />Literacy deficient participants will be tutored using certain reading/writing <br />assignments based on past and present music literature writing essays and <br />demonstrating comprehension through books and Internet research on their <br />favorite bands and artists . One example might be reading 18th century <br />composer Beethoven's journal about his outlook on music, life and physical <br />disability (he was deaf and suffered from bi-polar condition Students will <br />write a paragraph about how his remarks relate to their own life or current <br />conditions in their community. <br />• Support through Youth Council Agencies: this will enhance such services like <br />TABS post-test preparation, after school tutoring, college entry exams, work <br />placement, and other educational services that are not provided by our <br />program. <br />