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Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />utilized during construction activities which would preclude substantial erosion or <br />siltation on- or off-site. Upon project completion, the site's drainage patter would <br />be returned to the pre-construction condition. No significant on- or off-site <br />erasion or siltation impacts would result from the proposed project. <br />D. Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including <br />through the alteration of the course of stream or river, or substantially increase <br />the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner, which would result in flooding <br />on- or off-site? <br />Fin, dins: No Impact. <br />Analysis: Under existing conditions, the proposed improvement areas are covered with <br />pavement and/or concrete, thereby indicating that the site exhibits maximum <br />runoff volumes during peak storm events. The existing storm drain system is <br />adequate to handle runoff from the site under existing conditions. With <br />implementation of the proposed project, runoff from the site would actually <br />decrease due to the introduction of landscaped areas which would allow for <br />infiltration of storm water into the soil. Therefore, the existing stormwater <br />drainage systems are adequately sized to handle runoff from the proposed <br />project site, and a significant flood impact would not occur. <br />E. Create or contribute runoff wafer which would exceed the capacity of existing or <br />planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources <br />of polluted run-off? <br />Finding: No Impact. <br />Analysis: Refer to Issue VIII.D. Because the existing storm drain system is adequate to <br />handle runoff from the project area, and because the proposed project would <br />result in a slight decrease in peak runoff volumes, the proposed project would not <br />create or contribufie runoff water which would exceed the capacity of the existing <br />stormwater drainage system. As indicated under the discussion of Issue VIII.A, <br />BMPs would be utilized during construction to preclude any significant water <br />quality impacts. During long-term operation of the project, runoff from the site <br />would not represent an additional source of polluted runoff. Therefore, a <br />significant impact would not occur. <br />F. Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? <br />Fin.. ding: No Impact. <br />Analysis: As indicated above under the discussion of issues VIII.A through VIII.E, the <br />proposed project would not substantially degrade water quality during <br />construction or long-term operation. There are no other factors not evaluated <br />above which could result in the substantial degradation of water quality. <br />Significant impacts would not occur. <br />Page 50 of 64 <br />75E-54 <br />